Nintendo Admits China-flu fucked their asses
Expected, after this Direct being a PR disaster for them

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"Development schedules may be impacted due to the difference in development environment between working from home and in the office since teleworking is implemented at the Company and its partners. As a result, we may not be able to proceed with the release of Nintendo products and the start of services as planned."

Who cares

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Nintendo manages to have game droughts even without pandemics. This changes nothing.

Man, I want a new Dong.

>"While product development is a little behind schedule in some areas due to the impact of COVID-19, game releases planned for this fiscal year are currently not affected."

That doesn't sound very fucked in the ass.

Is there porn of these two?

It's the Freedom-Flu now

>TF is one of the greatest 2d platformers ever made
>Metroidfags throw a tantrum over it existing even though DKC has consistently done better than Metroid ever has
Fuck Metroidfags

It fucked everyone's ass
What the fuck are you talking about?

Metroid and DKC aren't the same genre also when have Metroid fans done that? Are you making things up to make your "side" sound better?