Who do you pick?

Who do you pick?

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Roy because he looks cool. Him and Ike are the only cool FE reps.

Why did Marth end up unviable when the rest of them are derived from him?

Unga bunga me throw disjoints without spacing too much


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Pretty sure Roy has to space still and get close as well.

Roy because I like how his movement feels and how aggressive he can be when you gain momentum.

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Chrom. The most spammy out of the bunch. Spamming aerials and smash attacks with him just works.

I really meant the other two but yeah


Roy because he BTFOs really early with sweetspot.


Best Marth aka Roy my boy.

Marth is just Lucina with RNG mechanics and nobody serious about the game is going to want to roll the dice when picking between the 2 safest and lamest characters in the game

Keep Lucina, Byleth, Corrin and Ike. There, it's fixed. Replace the missing with unique FE character or newer. No more echo fighters.

Marth, Ike, and Robin is ideal.

>keep Lucina

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The best lineup is
Marth-OG game rep
Ike-Radiance Rep
Robin-Awakenings Rep
Byleth-3 Houses rep

All of them have unique movesets to so it works, and if you really have to have a 5th dude then give it to Roy because his game was the first localized FE game

Don’t they all play the same? Idk I don’t play animes. I’ll just play DK or Bowser, they look cool and strong haha.


>removing Marth
Lucinafags should just get the rope.

He also has the easiest ledge trap in the game with jab. I'd argue he's the biggest unga bunga character in the game, anyone can pick him up and do decent provided you can input jab to IRAR bair consistently.

They are different for sure

That was Roy's dad, not him

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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>Keeping Ike
I like Ike but lets face it his time to shine was over.

Robin - game saved the series
New FE rep - because you know they will

>Laura Bailey finally moves on to bigger projects
>will never voice Lucina again or any non-AAA character for that matter
>doesn't even voice Kid Trunks anymore

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Luci's voice is her own, no one else's.
But Laura Bailey still voices Tohru Honda.

Marth since I've been playing him since Brawl.
I'll switch to Luci if I get in a competitive scenario though, but it doesn't happen often.

After seeing what Sakurai did for the DQ Heroes, why the hell didn't he do the same thing for Marth and his clones?

Basee stronganon.