Games with the best race of dog as companions

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two words : game bred

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What the fuck is that breed, a pit bull?

Best race you say?

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Breed I meant, but white dogs in general al superiors

>Games with the best race of dog as companions

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That's not a Welsh Springer Spaniel though user.

There are no games with samoyed companions.


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Huskies are superiors, they break the bark system and have the best naps postures, also way more funnier than a golden

>my ancestors are a mix of British, German and Irish

That's a white husky my fiend, samoyeds are just white bigger pomeranians with bad temper

the older I get the more dog culture annoys me

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Explain yourself

Fuck you. Welshies are made of mental. Best dogs EVER. Mine even caught a fucking hare once. He also used to knock joggers over for fun, by running around behind them in a big circle then charging into the back of their legs. (Ok, I admit I actually trained him to do this).

What are some long games?

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You had to train it, huskies by default are crazy

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Persona, if you're into JRPGs

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Nah, he was ALWAYS mental ALL the time. Training him to do that consisted of us running together, then me telling him 'Go back' then 'To me'
Took him two turns to learn it. You could also NEVER read a newspaper with him in the room. As for mental, he had an intense dislike of bare human feet. To the extent that he'd pull off your shoes and socks just to expose your feet and then attack them.

doggers are poggers

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probably because your feet stink

I think dogs are cute. Do you think dogs are cute user?

holy shit that thing will kill you in your sleep

Also that's a pretty big cat


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Nope, I'm talking ANYONE that came into the house user.

>the kid playing Roblox on the computer in the back

i wanted a bull terrier cause of the walter memes for so long but i read that they're just a even more retarded version of a pitbull