Is there a single developer that's done Early Access as well as these developers? I mean jesus christ

Is there a single developer that's done Early Access as well as these developers? I mean jesus christ.

Other devs:
>Game has long wait times between updates
>Updates are often sparce and consist of insignifigant balance changes, minor QoL features that don't even improve QoL that much, and at best add a couple maps to the game
>By the time the early access ends, if it ever ends, the game functionally plays the exact same as it did when the development of the game started

Project Moon:
>Weekly content updates with balance patches during the week.
>Content updates consist of a continuation of an overarching narrative that you're excited to tune in for each week.
>Content updates also include new enemies, boss fights, areas, player abilities, on top of story updates.
>Goes back to polish previous parts of the games that were less polished, replacing placeholder/stock music/graphics with higher production value assets.
>Balances the game towards hardcore players, not casual ones. When two groups say a boss fight is too easy, while the other says its fine as is, they always buff the boss fight.
>Generally just plays like a Kino early 2000's AA/AAA/B-dev game that you get to play further into each week.

How the fuck are so many developers incapable of doing Early Access right, and why have they mastered it? Is it.. SOUL?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They absorb the skill of every other korean developer to fuel their products. Nature is truly beautiful.

Don't forget that they're also opening up a restaurant

Maybe it's an abnormality and needs to be contained.

I do believe it's because they're korean or something
TROUBLESHOOTER is getting regular updates aswell, even after release now. it's like a better xcom with animu graphics

A is for Angela.

that's usually how indie companies are until they grow too big and complacent since they already got their public. I really hope they keep delivering kino even after the success of the series

how's troubleshooter? is the translation good?

Koreans are by far the most based for vidya
>Japs are childish coomers
>Chinks are consoomers that eat up soulless cashgrabs
>Burgers have their heads up their asses with politiks and "deep writing"
>lol EU
Koreans meanwhile have lots of game tournaments and actually put passion into their games (like Blade and Soul, Maplestory, etc). This is coming from someone who dislikes kpop.

Okay but where are the new general invitations

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OH NO NO NO NO NO NO GUYS......................................

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A is for hokma

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bros... I can't stop listening to Nutsack's battle theme, It's too good

the translation is alright, the gameplay seems fantastic so far. I haven't finished it yet though.

I also think it is a good idea the whole "Price rises up as content is added" thing, actually gives an incentive to get in the EA, because otherwise why wouldn't I just wait until it is released

I think netzach is one of the worst battle themes, it just sounds unsettling for me

wait, is the price for ruina rising up?
I haven't bought it yet because I haven't finished LC yet but maybe I should if that's true.

dunno why they havent done international merch people who like LoR/LC would eat that shit up

Once it's released.

they are based in korea so shipping costs and taxes maybe be a big reason to why

>“- "We plan to gradually raise the price as we add new content and features."”

I am checking the gameplay video right now, how is it better than xcom? Aside from the animu component it kinda looks the same

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It's not as consistent, but I think Tower Unite has done well for itself. The one thing I really like that they do is that you can access the Trello page on the home screen and see what's being worked on and added in the next updates.

>the art of DD now includes Vespa in the cover
So, they somehow talk him down and let him out of the workshop?

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i really dont know how they did it, but im glad im here for the weekly updates. They make it even more exciting, to the point im glad im not someone who waited to get the game after its done. Talking about each update and theorycrafting is like half the fun

Feels a bit like discussing an anime episode with Zig Forums, honestly. Lots of fun.

lay it on me. LoR's abno first warning or abno second warning
you got that right

What's the point of playing as Chesed/Gerbura/Tiphereth when the lower floors are so much more powerful

is there a archive site for /vg/?

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I assume something happen what make him switch sides and joins Moses team (harem) or actually situation change so much that his side and Moses side will be same

Middle floors are already getting WAW cards.

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What if Binah floor get Apocalypse Bird cards and Hokma White Night cards?

I though we wouldnt make another thread until friday, Its still thursday motherfuckers, there is no new content yet

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b4k archives /vg/

*blocks ur path*

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you mean tuesday?


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You from the future or something nigga?

>TT2 mess with user time perception

Do you actually want to know? I’ve read the google translated version of the Korean chapters and got the gist of it

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FUCK! Is the clock malfunctioning again?

better themes

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You never will, that thing goes on forever.I'm convinced it was originally supposed to be an mmo.

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you just know the manager has an execution bullet with your name on it

Once they get a single abnormality they can compete with the other floors on anything that isn’t a 4 man squad. Don’t know why they’re making us wait so long, but at least tiph has one.

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I will wait for proper translation

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Neat, I hadn't noticed.

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You niggers living in the past, fucking hell

I only now noticed teddy bear Yuria

Wonder why threads like these still aren't on /vg/.
I'd complain to the mods but I'm too retarded to use IRC

Also, since when did Catt change her EGO

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Nah, I rather wait