tick tick tick rosterfags
your next Nintendo DLC is almost here.
Tick tick tick rosterfags
All 3 of those starters look like shit. It's embarrassing to see people argue about which one is the best when they all look terrible.
>"I like Blastoise cuz I like turtles :)"
still miles better than whatever the fuck was Gen 2, 5, and 7
>guys please trust me Urshifu is in
starters in general are really mediocre in every way, and since Pokémon is a very normalfag series, it makes them for them to be mediocre: Mediocre convenience pleases Normalfags
ugh yea no
>waaaah why didn't they choose muh based stantler and ice cream waaaah >:(
and here comes the upset normalfag
don't you have some party to go to?
Gen 2 had Typhlosion and Gen 7 had Decidueye which instantly makes them up a step up by not having a full starter lineup that was all shit
>Yep this is going in my cringe collection.
>"Yeah, who cares they cut Pokemon just to sell back to me, it's Pokemon!!!!"
Go back to r*ddit
imagine thinking shitmon starters like Typloshit and Samurott, aka the worse designed starter, is anything good lmfao
18 million dextranny
you lost
>Gen 2 had Typhlosion
>picks the g-furshit magnet instead of Feralligator
spotted the furry
>get a broken Gary Stu ability
>still be worse than Incineroar in VGC
>y-you lost!!
Why? cuz I didn't buy a shitty game?
Enjoy wasting money on garbage I'll just play games other than Pokemon (unlike u lol)
it's either them, Bandana Dee, or Ryza in Smash
sorry genigger
How? Rabbits basically a fire greninja
Nu-Pokemon (Gen 6 and beyond) is cringe.
Post based characters that should be in Smash instead.
>i-i still didn't buy
>*sells 20 millions months later*
holy shit that gigantamax cope~
i'm waiting
they did choose ice cream dipshit
>still didn't buy
pure grug can't compete with the synergy Incin has with its bros. Especially now that trying to boost with it out means you are getting burned
>Nu-Pokemon (Gen *4 and beyond)
both are shit and so are these ones. They all suck. Gen 2 at least had Feraligatr which is miles better then any of the shit mentioned
Fact: it doesn’t get more based than this.
>Mad cuz I STILL haven't bought
>dude lets add another shitty wrestler but from a defunct IP instead
how am i mad when the dextrannies lost in the very end?
talking about Smash, you n-word
>Seething salty tears all because I didn't buy
Cinderace is still the worse offender
>lets add ANOTHER Biped Fire Starter
fuck that shillmon
>Grasschads won
>Waterfags lost (again)
>veggie sea
>giving a shit about it
speak english, dextranny.
tell me what the gain of doing some fuck retarded twitter campaign over a children game?
was it peak autism?
>Literally so fucking bitter because I didn't buy
Why would he shill a pokemon?
>m-muh fanfic meta
so no answer, i finally accept your concession.
now kneel.
>being this dedicated of an autist
>literally crying actual tears because I didn't buy
>started the subverted expectation shit with 3rd evo starters
>the worse of the bunch
what the fuck when WRONG here?
Here's my bold prediction: there won't be a Pokemon in Fighter's Pass 2
>smogonkek calling other autists
>Here's my bold prediction: there won't be a Fire Emblem character in the Fighter Pass
>hating smogon
>current year
I sure fucking hope there is
Good times.
Typhlosion is cool because he's a fucking volcano
You're retarded if you think Typhlosion or Feraligatr are furries