This is a silly fucking game. I hope to fuck it's satire.
This is a silly fucking game. I hope to fuck it's satire
Luis Williams
Levi Lewis
>I hope to fuck it's satire.
It's not, but it is self aware
Michael Howard
it kind of is satire, in the sense of being knowingly tongue-in-cheek and OTT on purpose.
Parker Adams
I thought maybe it would be more tolerable if I switched to the Japanese voices. Nope. Still cringy.
Camden Gutierrez
I hope you are using dodge offset when you're playing bayonetta.
Kayden Sanchez
Loosen up and have fun you fucking bellend.
Nathan Fisher
It feels like playing a B movie
Landon Ramirez
and that's...bad?
Gabriel Martinez
It's not satirizing anything but it's obviously supposed to be corny
Kayden Morris
That's the point retard holy shit