I just finished this game in hardly even 4 hours. What the fuck was all the hype about?
Super Metroid
Doubt it.
I consider the game good but not the ultimate definitive masterpiece it's built up to be.
In terms of visuals it's great, one of the better looking Metroid games with a very moody and gritty aesthetic, really dark and subtle for a Super Nintendo game. Boss sprites are gigantic as fuck, hell most sprites are somewhat big and they all look great. Environments are all pretty varied visually and the game makes great use of transparencies and other effects for things like rain, lava, water, etc.
The sound is honestly kind of bad. Not only do the sound effects themselves sound all mushy and muted and compressed, the music is nothing spectacular either in arrangement or how much wonders the hardware is doing for it. Out of the whole soundtrack only 2 tracks have become iconic to the series and both involve Ridley. Play any golden age Capcom game for the system and it shits all over this in terms of sound quality. At least some of the weird alien screams are cool.
Gameplay is a hugely mixed bag. The level of freedom you have to explore and break the game and do weird shit in random bizarre orders is insane, the bosses are all screen filling giants and have loads of spectacle, and killing enemies is fun. The platforming itself however is a massive floaty clunkfest that has not stood the test of time well in terms of pure physics and control. Item use is clunky with having to scroll through several different subweapons using the select button. Fusion and Zero Mission absolutely play better purely from a controls perspective.
Good job on being a rushing zoomer glued to a walkthrough while savescumming in an emulator.
The physics are the best part. Learn2momentum.
Things like going down the stair-shaped parts of areas is just annoying, the feeling you get when you walk off the edge of a platform is just terrible. I like the walljumping and the few parts of the game where you can use the sprint button to move at Sanic speeds but the subweapon system is awful and the feeling when you have to go down off a platform is slow and awful too, dragged the game down for me.
the physics are like that because you're on an alien planet with a weaker gravity, it plays into the whole cinematic feel of the game.
metroid has always been an anti platformer, always subverting your expectations
I can agree that the falling speed is slightly too slow, and a dedicated missile button would have been nice, but you'll never, ever convince me that the physics of Fusion and ZM was anything other that a straight-up downgrade.
It's pretty fun.
>it's supposed to be shit
Sorry forgot to say i did the bare minimum and used a guide and walkthroughs
Why even bother playing the game if you're not going to bother playing the game?
fucking cringe. don't compare SM to modern "cinematic momentum" shit
It's like 26 years old. It was groundbreaking at the time and still holds up reasonably well.
Cringe if true.
Based if lying
>I stared at a guide and didnt have funn :(
are you retarded? Metoid is literally based on Alien
>shooting on every walls of the game to find secret passages is so fun!
I dont think there is such thing as playing a game wrong but if you are playing along to a walkthrough then you might as well just watch a lets play. the whole point of the game is to get lost and not know where to go and prod your way through caves until you make some progress. its like playing a rhythm game where you cant miss any note, you might as well just listen to a song at that point.
>being this dumb
If you used a walkthrough or forced save, then you didn't experience the game the same way the people who hyped it did.
Just go through the game, no one is forcing you to get every single item. Most games would suck if you played it that way
I bet you can't even wall jump with any kind of consistency you pleb.
There's only like two items in the game that even require blindly shooting every wall to find. Everything else either has a tell, or is an obvious spot to hide something.
I replayed Zero Mission for the first time, since I got it back on release. Finished with 56% items, and didn't stress about finding more. What's the point of being a completionist, if you don't like the hunt?
An interconnected side scrolling game world of its size and detail was unheard of at the time.
>The sound is honestly kind of bad. Not only do the sound effects themselves sound all mushy and muted and compressed, the music is nothing spectacular either in arrangement or how much wonders the hardware is doing for it. Out of the whole soundtrack only 2 tracks have become iconic to the series and both involve Ridley. Play any golden age Capcom game for the system and it shits all over this in terms of sound quality. At least some of the weird alien screams are cool.
Wow, what a terrible opinion.
>alien planet with a weaker gravity
You're on the same planet in the original and zero mission and she isn't that floaty
did you even play the original?
>Fusion and Zero Mission absolutely play better purely from a controls perspective.
This is such a shit take.
Super has the best movement in a metroid game
This is where you have to delve into the autistic realm of speedrunning, there are tons of techniques that exist in this game.
Moonfall is a more recent one and it triples fall time
Good now try and aim for the best ending which is only obtainable in under 3 hours.
Metroid on NES Samus moon jumps with even less control than Super.
>Fall time
sorry I meant triples fall SPEED