NOOOOOO professor you have to believe me, the church controls all the monetary institutions in fodlan, controls the singing industry and they use the donation money to fund their super secret military
please professor believe MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
NOOOOOO professor you have to believe me, the church controls all the monetary institutions in fodlan...
Wait, so who was simping who?
Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!
Burnie! Burnie! Burnie!
It's kinda weird, throughout CF Edelgard knowingly blamed the church for shit she and the molemen did...
Yet all the things she accused the church of was never proven, or actually disproven by Edelgard.
Despite all that, she continued to use the church as a scapegoat, even after she realized that her beliefs were unfounded.
CF is a Walhart route.
Her reunion moment is just a jpeg while every other route gets an animated cutscene. Therefore her shit is retarded and half-baked.
The church does control the singing industry, choir practice is a lucrative venture
Was it ever confirmed if it was Sothis or Rhea that taught Manuela how to sing?
I assume the mystery women was Rhea.
well yeah, it's confirmed a relatively last-minute addition compared to the other routes.
You’ve already burned down half the country, theres no way she can pussy put of it. Might as well say fuck it and double down on the church to gain more influence.
I like that right before Byleth kills her, he has the look of utter contempt and disgust.
No it wasn't, The BE split was planned from the beginning.
>wall of text
>wall of text
>no u
>no u
There I summed up the next 300 posts in this thread
Not true at all. Edelgard was a full rival and villain in the first draft. Other routes were added later and CF was last.
I like how Male Byleth clearly has some hesitation in his eyes during this scene whereas Female Byleth is just full on ready to kill a bitch
Other than this game and Stella Glow, what other games let you romance the villain?
*S-Supports you*
SS was originally the only route, then they expanded it into AM and VW and then they realised Edelgard would be too popular not to give a route to. The result of this brilliant decision making by the hacks at ISIS is all four routes feel like they need more polish and the story of all of them are retarded. If the game didn't go all in on character interactions carrying the story it'd be looked at far harsher
Women are hateful creatures, this is true in all realms of fiction
*fertilizes her tadpoles*
Always side with the cute emperor!
Why wouldn't you?!
Because Dimitri exists
That's not how that works, Edelgard, you fucking dummy.