Who do you trust for your vidya reviews?

Who do you trust for your vidya reviews?

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Zig Forums



Xbox Mil Grau.

No one

my retarded, autistic half-brother Clyde. he's way into chess. beats me every time.

ban wojak faggots
>ban wojak faggots
ban wojak faggots
>ban wojak faggots
ban wojak faggots
>ban wojak faggots

Three sources;
>Myself, by playing a demo and forming an honest opinion
>Highly-rated videos on youtube that are gameplay examples with minimal commentary, priority given to non-facecam folks because that shit is LITERALLY unnecessary
>Zig Forums when they post examples of story elements, such as how TLOU2 was treated. Spoilers do not affect my opinion on a game unless those spoilers are absurdly awful.
The first almost never happens because nobody does demos anymore unless they're paid demos that are early access. I want to play demos, because that's how I found many of my childhood favorites for PSX and Xbox. The second rarely happens because I refuse to watch a person take up 1/4 of the screen and do shitty reactions purely to elicit views, and that shit saturates the market. Zig Forums is my best source for game reviews, unironically. I've found so many diamonds in the rough thanks to the plethora of surprisingly helpful assholes that come here. You're all fucking horrible people, but you can provide better examples and opinions than a streamer or youtuber ever could.

Matthewmatosis I guess, but the only games he reviewed that I hadn't played and wanted to were the Zachtronics ones and Rain World
Otherwise I can tell whether or not I'd like a game just by watching the gameplay for the most part