A new start
Pass is vee
Connections all fucked up right now. Taking ages to set things up. Least we can post pictures again
PC lobby when?
When you make one.
If nobody hosts in 20-30 I'll volunteer though I'm surprised people that ask don't just host themselves. Lately it only takes a good 5-10 minutes for PC lobbies to get close to max capacity.
So how was the tourney yesterday?
It lasted all the way til alittle after usual time for lobbies interestingly enough. Fun times were enjoyed.
It was longer than expected but a great time all around.
PC lobby is up
kw: pclobby
I better go restart my router, pub lobbies are showing me some disturbing performances
new mika here ready to get my ass beat on PC
Surprised there are pub lobbies running late night.
Sounds like it went well. I was planning to join but ended up like two hours late which sucked but hearing it last for that long is alright
Just finished catching up on Tadokoro-san right before Lobbies, I'm ready now
Yeah, bar a couple laggy matches for some and some screwing up of the brackets towards the beginning, there was only 1 no-show and 1 player who dropped out due to different platforms.
Gonna test on another pub lobby with my connection before I subject anyone here with it.
Felt something was off since last night's tourney
yo mr sans u gotta quit out and rejoin or we'll be stuck here cuz these lobbies are kinda janky. I'd do it myself but since I'm hosting itll kill the entire thing
also welcome to the Zig Forumslobbies bro
just did it
>school yuri with no other genre/setting to draw people in
So apparently my network had a complete fucking outrage and I'm stuck in its recovery stages. 3 bars ended up as 7 frames of lag, that's some PC tier bullshit.
Rough times. Got an estimate on when things will be back to normal?
The Shini Zone is leaking into PS4 now. God help us all
School yuri with no fluff and padding stopping them from dating within the first few chapters is pure kino.
Kimi ni todoke took like 80 chapters to get that far
Knowing how shit xfinity is? No clue.
I needed to go to sleep early today for an appointment anyway so I'm okay with less people today
going into training mode on PC tends to make the entire lobby lag almost indefinitely like this.
>now we're stuck even though both players leave
this shit is why i don't host lobbies. Can someone else do it?
nvm it buffed out, but if it happens again I'll leave it up to someone else
PC lobby has entered the dark times
I'm warning you shxs, this might get real ugly
Hey, sansman, which part of the world do you live, just out of curiosity?
west coast america
Ah, was curious as to where you lived. Thanks for the response.
if my internet is shitty I can reset my router real quick, also sorry about taking so long to start up the match lol I was grabbing soup
Shit, I actually expected that to be a lot worse
what do you mean "grab soup"? that shit is liquid you can't grasp it in your hands
bowl hands
What kind of soup