Game has cooking mechanics

>Game has cooking mechanics
>Developer clearly never cooked any food themselves
Oh yeah, I'll make some mashed potatoes for lunch
*Proceeds to hit raw potatoes with a carpenters Hammer until only a paste remains*

Attached: Cold Mashed Potatoes.jpg (1852x574, 96.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>mashing them
>not boiling them
>not sticking them in a stew

Food is an underutilized mechanic in 99% of games

Attached: meat.webm (816x460, 2.86M)


now you have to be hungry with me

Attached: vanillaware.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Can we PLEASE nerf sweet???

Attached: taste-defining-five-basic-tastes-sweet-salt-sour-bitter-umami-62357463.jpg (1300x1292, 159K)

How do you think people mashed potatoes in medieval Europe, retard? Obviously you skin the fucking thing before, why waste valuable code on including the need for a knife? Do you have autism?

>chefs need more active roles in games providing various buffs not just stamina/health buffs

Attached: silvercooking.webm (720x480, 2.58M)

What's going on in this webm? It somehow looks like it's better resolution and faster framerate than my monitor supports. Is it even a real steak?

sweet was only found in foods that gave loads of energy for its size humanity basically made sweet power creep into being top in everything

its a soap opera steak

My stomach just got a boner

Yeah, it's a real steak.

Umami is a MEME. It shouldn’t be there. Every single person who tries to describe umami will give you a different food. NO ONE knows what the fuck it is. It’s not definable and shouldn’t be there.

has mhw been topped in cooking animations?

Attached: corey.jpg (600x720, 85.25K)

You’ve got to go back with this stupid fucking reddit humour.

You haven't explained what makes it so weird.

>Game has cooking mechanics
>It's actually fucking incredible

Attached: file.png (760x343, 713.67K)

Frame interpolation

yOuVE gOT to Go bACk wItH ThIs STuPiD FuCKinG ReDDIt hUmoUR

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
EditEdit: Wow this post blew up, gonna just drop these here

Based itsuno

There is nothing more gay than food. Tasty food is cancerous and you are a cuck if you enjoy it. The natural state of humans is to starve.

Yes. Please leave.

interpolation would leave ghosting artifacts though?


Put me in the screenshot (first (You))

based obligatory contrarian

You have taste buds that specifically respond to glutamate and nothing else. It's real. Umami basically means savory. That's it.

realism is a mental illness

yEs. pLeAsE LeAve.

EDIT: Holy shit, two golded posts in the same day, #winning