Fuck this shitty game the worst multiplayer experience of any FPS I've never played a game with as shitty hit detection as this. Yes I understand it's projectile not hit scan. Doesn't matter. Fuck this smudgy piece of shit game I have no idea how this became everyone's favorite Halo. It sucks. Bubble shield and life regenerators ruined the MP experience that is if you're lucky enough to get into a game with proper bullet registration. Sorry Zig Forums I'm usually with ya but not this time.
Fuck this shitty game the worst multiplayer experience of any FPS I've never played a game with as shitty hit detection...
Other urls found in this thread:
Halo is fun on BTB, 4v4 is full of faggot tryhards, especially on Slayer
I mean, you do realize how narcissistic and pompous you sound, right? When will this site grow up?
343 even admits the game is borderline broke. Fuck off
What did you think of the campaign?
343 are retarded and so are you. Kindly eat shit and die.
lmao git gud kid
Fuck off back to your hitscan eurotrash games dumb faggot
Haven't got to it yet please tell me it's worth playing
>343 is retarded
>"Yeah I agree bro!"
>therefore I'm retarded
Good one
Btw I'm going to let you tards into a little secret I found out back in 2013.
If you want to play any console game or game with free aim correction if using a console you have to trick the system into thinking your using a controller when your using a mouse. Products like xim are what you need and will make you unstopable since you have the mouse precision but you have the free aimbot ontop of it since the game thinks your using a controller for input
This is more or a net code issue. I've tried both controller and mouse. The game is fucked. Absolutely fucked.
My sense of chill goes away the more MP I play.
Halo multiplayer was never about skill, its about getting I-win buttons and pretending like you outskilled your opponent. Sorry you were led to think otherwise.
not OP but i liked it. I think Reach is better though. 3 relies a little too heavily on scarabs and the final boss is literally nothing. great moments though and the game is fun enough to play that replays don't feel like a chore
Real talk. How was the release for Halo3 on PC? I know 2 was bugged as shit with the floor shooting thing, but what do people think about 3's port?
No big bugs as far as I can tell. Only issues I've had was opening the final gate before the Guilty Spark fight, but after TKing Sgt Johnson and Arbiter it fixed itself, and sometimes using the sword on enemies in campaign just doesn't work even though it obviously should. MP feels pretty good but there MIGHT be some hit reg problems. All in all I think it's a really good launch. Probably their strongest all things considered.
There are for sure, it can feel awful when it's so inconsistent with what is and isn't a hit and for me predicting anything becomes impossible
Didn’t read suck my infected uncut cock OP
Filtered PC pleb. Git gud.
works for me
Okay and that super duper precise shot that doesn't count anyways gets him where, you fucking moron
have you ever considered its that you're playing with people who are far away because you live in some gay poz region where halo isnt popular?
AHAHAHHAHA Pozzed regions on suicide watch
Ah, retards youtube.com
I live in Montana so there's maybe be connection issues, but I've never had it feel this bad before
its not as popular as it used to be
zoomers are all playing gambling FPSs like call of duty warzone because they'd rather run around for 15 minutes hoping for good luck than actually building hand eye coordination and putting it to use
Matchmaking doesn't work that way, it just tries to put every player on the planet on US East, then the next closest server to US East. All overseas matches still get put on eastern/southern US servers. It's absolutely pathetic.
>pretending like halo isn't zoomer
funny youtube.com
>hand eye coordination and reflexes
>being an adult
Choose one and only one.
>Complaining about hit reg
>Lives in nowheresville, USA
>playing H3 SWAT in 2020 then shit talking other games for RNG
This is the one and only time I will ever respond to you. Congratulations on living this long with severe brain damage.
yes i have seen video of this kind of thing
i also remember shooting people with the sniper and seeing blood come out of their character when it came out 10~ years ago, and it happening quite a few times, albeit being kind of pretty rare. same shit though
and yet it hasnt happened to me on PC in a few dozen hours so far
im nearly 30 and i do alright
you missed
>I'll ignore the numerous complaints and evidence presented by others because it fits my retarded narrative
Hence the part where I call you a retard. youtube.com