I guess I

I guess I...

I'm afraid.

Attached: afraid.jpg (671x640, 25.1K)

why are his eyes off center

We’re all gonna make, r-right Dutch?

Attached: A498D6F7-2CE0-4608-8CF7-86EE942378A7.jpg (800x450, 211.04K)

>I'm afraid I'm in a shitty game

I love this scene so much. I know my time wont be for a long time but those will be my last words before I stand before my lord for judgment.

So is this blind beggar the same guy you met as John in RDR1? Because he constantly speaks in vague ways that implies he knows what Arthur is going through.

who are you talking about? in this scene, he's talking to the nun

>implying god exists

I'm talking about the one you randomly encounter when you wander around the map. He's blind, he's in blue, and he's always asking for money.

>who are you talking about? in this scene, he's talking to the nun
hes talking about the random blind guy who asks for money on the roads.. who conveniently foreshadows whats about to happen to him