>Genealogy of the Holy War remake is announced
>It sells like crap in Japan in release
Your getting Fire Emblem Warriors 2 instead.
>Genealogy of the Holy War remake is announced
>It sells like crap in Japan in release
Your getting Fire Emblem Warriors 2 instead.
I want a Fire Emblem Warriors 2, though.
Based, that was a fun game. Just spread out the roster and make better DLC and 2 will be KINO
Japan loves genealogy, eat shit op
>more remakes
>after Echoes SoV bombed
Nah. You are getting Three Houses 2
>FE17 but with slightly better graphics and animation than FETH in 2021
Wait in 2022 for FE17 to have its graphics and animations better than FETH while Fire Emblem Warriors 2 releases in 2021.
I would play the fuck of a Fire Emblem Warriors version of Three Houses. Literally just the same story and cast with Dynasty Warriors gameplay. Just let me slaughter thousands as the true leader of Fodlan.
>Genealogy of the Holy War remake is announced
Wait what?
This will sell like crap.
Because it didn't had the other FE characters like Marth or Lucina, and we won't even get a HD Alm.