Genealogy of the Holy War remake is announced

>Genealogy of the Holy War remake is announced
>It sells like crap in Japan in release

Your getting Fire Emblem Warriors 2 instead.

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I want a Fire Emblem Warriors 2, though.

Based, that was a fun game. Just spread out the roster and make better DLC and 2 will be KINO

Japan loves genealogy, eat shit op

>more remakes
>after Echoes SoV bombed

Nah. You are getting Three Houses 2

>FE17 but with slightly better graphics and animation than FETH in 2021
Wait in 2022 for FE17 to have its graphics and animations better than FETH while Fire Emblem Warriors 2 releases in 2021.

I would play the fuck of a Fire Emblem Warriors version of Three Houses. Literally just the same story and cast with Dynasty Warriors gameplay. Just let me slaughter thousands as the true leader of Fodlan.

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>Genealogy of the Holy War remake is announced
Wait what?

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This will sell like crap.
Because it didn't had the other FE characters like Marth or Lucina, and we won't even get a HD Alm.