Disregard Females, Acquire a high KD

Video games > Females

I have more fun playing video games with my male friends than I ever had chasing females and trying to interact with them. Video games are more fun than girls. Prove me wrong

>the fun of 10 minutes of sex do not outweigh the hours of effort and emotional discomfort that accompanies chasing females and hundreds of dollars spent dating for a normal guy who fails at 'just hooking up'
>glory in an FPS game or MMO or w/e you play with friends, builds long term and potential life long friendships
>friendships from gaming are more likely to last longer than a romantic and sexual relationship with a woman (50% divorce rate, higher failure rate for normal relationships)
>when friends grow apart and play new games they don't take half of your house or more and don't require alimony
>less drama by far gaming than dating
>your gaming friends don't get pregnant by their boss and try to pass the kid off as yourrs
>you can game 8+ hours a day with friends and always have a common interest. you don't have to change yourself if you were born a certain way to get gaming friends. with women, if you're not a normie naturally you struggle with girls

And there's much more


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Welcome to the club, bro
realized this a few years back.

Took me a while, until about age 27-28. I'm 30 now.

Nah I like doing both thank you

And according to this video, you are not in danger of being enslaved. youtube.com/watch?v=JRdq2zqGxgY

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you musta found a nice gal then, every one i found would bitch about "going out" if I was playing vidya.
it's like, fucking read a book or get a hobby goddamnit. always the same with these vapid bitches

I will die alone?!

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I dislike both, to be honest.

Pretty much. The dick and balls occasionally tell me otherwise until I snap back to reality.

anti leftist sentiment is induced by billionaires to stop any sort of action against their monopolies and any sort of unionization

ignore the Zig Forums brain poisoning. become a communist