Made by the creators of original suikoden, what did we think of it?
kickstarter launch in july 27
Made by the creators of original suikoden, what did we think of it?
kickstarter launch in july 27
I thought there were only two Suikoden games?.
>Somebody finally tries to pick up Unlimited's art direction
Shame about the enemies being 3D models.
Cool I just finished the 2nd game recently
>tfw Nanami died and I had to kill Jowy
At least I became leader
Looks like a reskin of Octopath Traveler.
Is that what we call every sprite based game now?
C'mon, man. That's a little more being shared there then being 2d.
I am ok with this
Yes, 1 and 2.
Every Suikoden after that is shit.
>2d with dynamic lighting
Is this the indie formula of nips?
it looks significantly better than octotrash. better spritework and not covered in a million instagram filters.
I thought 5 was considered good but too late?
3 had a better story than 2. I think 2 is still the better game because 3 had too much padding 3 peaks higher than 2.
Chris, Geddoe and Thomas are so much better than Riou, Nanami and Jowy. Hugo isn’t bad either.
Only Suikoden 4 was terrible.
This. Even tactics was solid. 4's the abomination.
Suikoden series became soulless after 2. Fight me.
bumping with Suiko bitches
If you think Budehuc Castle wasn't full of soul I don't know what to say to you. Hell, 3 might have been technologically limited but the game was full of classic Suikoden charm.
That’s the normal end. Get everyone before the final battle and you get the true end.
Are are going to try to get westerns to join the kick starter or what? I know I would help them out if they added English sub and what not to the game.
Reminder that Suikoden takes place in a multiverse and we could see a revival/crossover with this if it's massively successful
I wish Konami would just sell the IP's they don't plan on using.
The devs don't have the rights to the franchise and Konami is Konami, so nope.
Closest thing you'll get is a crossover with Alliance Alive.
It's a shame because the world of Suikoden was interesting, plus all the recurring characters and the world building sprinkled on each game. I appreciate bringing it back and the small trailer looks cool, but a part of me just wants more games in the Suikoden world.
On the comments for the kickstarter page, if it's not one of the listed features spam for multi-language and multi-subs to be a stretch goal
lolno enjoy your Suikoden gacha.
You mean Pachinko.
Nah I liked that ending I don't want some bullshit happy one
>series gets popular
>konami buys the rights
>series gets INSANELY popular
>owners get rich and buy the Suikoden IP
just let me dream, ok?
Is it worth pushing through Suikoden 4?
10 hours in It's pretty shitty so far just going around aimlessly on some fucking boat.
this art style is fucking gross
Its not the same world and I don't like the way it looks at all
Only if you plan to play tactics.
meant for
Don't know maybe
Suikoden games are known for their slog in the beginning, and S4 was a little worse than the others. My advice is to get Viki as fast as possible, and you'll enjoy the game a LOT more with being able to mitigate random encounters by teleporting everywhere.
What are considered the must play jrpg franchises after I played all the Final Fantasies and Suikoden games?
Breath of Fire, SMT, Dragon Quest.
I don't know where the fuck I am going some random fag on an island told me to get a crew together and then gave me no direction it might of been bearable without this empty sea of endless random battles every 2 seconds
Chrono, Dragon Quest, and Tales are the rest of the "babby's first JRPG" category
Wild Arms, Breath of Fire, and Golden Sun round out the "babby's second JRPG" imo
>People praising the black female character like something revolutionary
Great way to know who never played a Suikoden game