Only if we knew how good we had it back in the day.
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Halo ended at 3.
Everything after has been a COVID induced fever dream
We knew exactly how good we had it back then. We just didn't know how bad things could actually get.
Why didn't Microsoft just let Bungie do whatever they wanted after halo 3
Damn. Halo's soul is gone
Combat Evolved is shit. I finished it for the first time last month and I have no idea how this repetitive copy paste shit got popular. This game is a joke compared to other shooters of its time like Half-Life.
did you beat it on Legendary?
In hindsight they really sowed the seeds of their own destruction by pushing Bungie out.
Only thing they have left is Gamepass. Buy why would I want it when they don't make good games anymore?
People skipped work to play Halo, camped outside stores for days, etc. We knew video games were a major part of our life and we loved every single thing about them. How could anyone predict gaming in general would stoop to this?
Remember all the hype and excitement for a new Halo game on next generation console? Fuck 343.
ODST waa fun
Because Half-Life enemies are dogshit and the combat is ass? Don't kid yourself. You like life Half Life for its "muh experience" but it's not actually fun and you know it.
because when bungie did whatever the hell they wanted we ended up with destiny
it probably wasn't a bad thing that MS tried to have some control over them
>repetitive copy paste shit
I fail to see how getting a chance to shoot more aliens is somehow a bad thing.
Blame the glorification of being a game dev as some easy and wealthy job, now every lazy mentally ill retard wants to be a game dev cuz all they do is sit on their ass and play games all day, the diluge of idiots has really watered down the talent pool these days, and god forbid u be selective about who you hire since uh oh here comes hr with complaints about how your group of white and asian tech bros arent diverse enough.
Most of the time you're just running around platforming and doing parkour and less time actually fighting enemies and having fun.
The biggest scam in last 7 years. If I would be an ms higher up, I would personaly hang every fucking one of 343 hacks. Just were did 500 mil of budget went?!
Is there some contract loop were ms cant flay them because "muh women poc diverse workers" or some shit?!
I remember enjoying Halo for the OST and the scale the the game. Even seeing the Halo itself towering in the distance added wonder and intrigue to the world.
I expected to participate eventually in these large scale battles the trailers showed but never really got that. We mostly got a linear corridor shooter and some light open combat.
I think I got two thirds into Halo 4 before I got sick of the Activate 3 Things formula. Even Reach had some cool moments.
This is why nerds need to form small tight groups again and refuse to be strong armed into selling out. Small teams were the backbone of the early PS1 PS2 Xbox era of gaming compared to now when you have 400+ employees for a studio.
git gud
Man, there's like 10 halo threads and they are all faggots crying. Anyways, just beat Halo 3 on PC. What a great line to end it.
>Wake me when you need me.
That's all I wanted to say. Also eat shit faggots.
The shooting is fine although feels pretty basic on M+K. The levels just blend together like we're playing a roguelike. The amount of times you clear the same fucking to and cross the same bridge is too fucking high. The Library is also a complete joke.
Hopefully Halo 2 is less of a meme game.
>being a kid in the early 2000s
>just dreaming of how cool and awesome gaming in the future will be
Little did I know that would be the peak.
Halo always sucked ass. It always was, and it remains kiddy SCI FI game with bad artstyle, silly theme and just all around shitty lore. It just didn't matter to most gamers 20 years ago because we were kids back then, and FPSs on consoles where non existant. Its no wonder it gets worse with each passing year, its not coincidence.
And this.
can we conclude that women ruin everything?
Conpare that pic to how the game indistry started out and you have your answer. Notice how at the edges you have what appears to be a few mentally ill trannies as well, especially the one in the far back making a heart with his fingers. God help you if your company burdens you with a group like this, im sure some of those women are super smart but theyre far outweighed by the sheer amount of idiots companies hire for diversities sake.
the collective conscious of Zig Forums is angered by 343's faggotry thats why theres so many halo threads.