July 2020, I am forgotten

July 2020, I am forgotten...

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It is an amazing game, i love tifa

There are at least 3+ threads a week so definitely not.

I need to go back and finish it. I really enjoyed it but got distracted by another game and lost interest. I wasn't prepared for how great Tifa looked in that cheongsam, or how great Cloud looked in that blue corset number.

great fucking game, goty

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Next month we'll have forgotten about TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima as well.

That's what happens when your "game" is just a 10 hour long movie with no reason to ever replay it.

good it's a piece of shit. nomura is cringe as fuck.

I put 120 hours into it and I plan to play it again soon, once I fix my PS4

But only one of those 3 games is a 10 hour movie.

TLOU2 took me 38 hours to finish on Hard with 95% of the collectibles found, it’s a long game

filtered newfag normie

>120 hours
Doing what? There's nowhere near enough content to put in that much time.

The game is questionable as a follow up to the original due to how rough around the edges it is but on its own it's a very good game. Excited to see what the sequel looks like.

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This. I play it once for 45 hours and agan hard mode for another 40, and that was grinding on colloseaum and doing everthing. Didn't get the hard trophies like all outfits or the barret date scene, but playing it 3 times its not likely to get 120hours.

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Yes, it was trash. Play the original.

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not him but personally im doing this

the first playthrough
the second playthrough in hard
the third playthrough in normal no benches no items
fourth playthrough to study all the bosses and their gimmicks
solo tifa/cloud challenges
i could go on but ill wait for PC version


The characters were so fucking perfect in this game.

Cloud is genuinely cool again, after decades of being mopey and emo
Barret is based as fuck and is the heart and soul of the game.
Aerith is an absolute charm and amazing to spend time with.
Jessie, Biggs and Wedge are surprisingly well developed and likable.
Rufus Shinra is a pure unadulterated badass.
Reno, Rufus and Tseng were complete badass as well, but that was to be expected.
Tifa is my wife. No, not your, fuck you, I saw her first.

The only character that was genuinely bad was Sephiroth. They completely destroyed what made him a great villain: his presentation.

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At the end of the day, it still outsold Xenoblade, Persona, Dragon Quest, etc., and isn’t that all that matters?

Yes, yes it is.

Imagine how terrible they'll make Sephiroth's appearance in part II during the soldier truck ride to Nibelheim.

First playthrough was 50 hours for me, then another one on hard was 60, plus some downtime

Just fapped to Kyrie, so no it isn't.

Part 2 when?

I've had it since launch, I haven't climbed the wall yet and finished some side shit. I plan to finish maybe next week.
I just have a problem finishing games.

I really enjoyed how quickly Aerith and Tifa became friends, it was super cute.

I just went back and try to plat it this time

Making a post about it really isn't doing much to prove that it's forgotten. That's kind of the opposite.

user just secretly loves the remake and wants to talk about it

>horizon zero dawn at 90%
>God of war at 45%
>Spderman at 40%
>Lost legacy at 50%
>Zelda switch links awakening 15%
Same happened for me for a while. But with FF7R i just needed to finsh it to talk about the game with pals.
Finshed tloup2 to talk shit about it with pals.
Playng ghost now and friends didn't bought it, but its so kino i might finish it.

personally i know that people love sephiroth and all, but for me the other characters are the soul of ff7
i understand the dissapointment with sephiroth tho. But for me, it wasnt a big deal because it was probably the least important character to see in the remake.
I want to see Cid, cait sith, and red XIII which is fucking perfect.
Then again about sephiroth, they can still deliver a kino sephiroth in the flashback. I'll stay expectant. They delivered a cool sephiroth both in the original and in CC, no reason to suddenly making him a bad character in remake.

>and friends didn't bought it
then tell them to, if they might be interested in of course.

Nope waiting for the squeal baby

Bitch stay forgotten

Aerith's mom was a FOX, yummy

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actually, I had completely forgotten about it, yeah. such a painfully mediocre piece of shit

Coomer waifu fag. I didn't read by the way.

did you use the recent animations
they are pretty good

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I said the male characters were great too faggot.
But if you coom to men no one is judging you.