Is it hard being a "gamer" in Australia?
Is it hard being a "gamer" in Australia?
gaming doesnt have the SOUL it used to, because now whenever you game you have this nagging thought at the back of your mind about the subhuman garbage infesting your country and the desperate need to execute all of them on the street with shotgun blasts to the stomach
Yes, mainly because of the slow internet speed and high taxes
Also this, I don't want to go to EB games in the city because it's filled with chinks
The NBN made it a little better. I can download 30+gb games in a few hours, instead of days.
I haven't downloaded GTA V yet because it would take days
>government spent $56 billion dollars (and counting, up from a promise of 30 billion) to partially upgrade copper to fibre instead of doing what the previous government started, fully fibre from the get-go
>they'll need to then replace the rest of the copper if we are ever to get competitive internet
>Is it hard being a "gamer" in Australia?
Only thing that really sucks is having to play on US servers for niche games.
Other than that i'd honestly say being a gamer in Aus or NZ is as good as it gets.
Everything is expensive, any not so popular games are even harder to find, shit internet
Only positive is that because we get extorted so badly importing games is at times less expensive than buying locally.
I think NZ has already rolled out 8000/8000
>Other than that i'd honestly say being a gamer in Aus or NZ is as good as it gets.
Any particular reason for this? I'm curious because so far I've heard nothing but slow internet and the games being a bit more expensive.
It's hard being Australian in general.
I have never seen an attractive Australian woman. Truly a hell on earth for young white men.
>importing games is at times less expensive than buying locally
Yeesh, I might consider doing that if that's really the case
Aussie chicks are either party sluts with leathery skin from tanning or full blown SJW goblins
Why didn't we elect Labor?
Just shop around for good prices and use currency calculators
As good as it gets? Prices are absurd and we missed out on so many games. The US got a ton of classic RPGs like Xenogears and the Raidou games. How many Tales games skipped PAL regions?
My main concern is the censorship and literal banning of some games. Does that happen often?
So they're basically American women?
>high taxes
you have no idea how good we have it compared to some eu countries
its just some falseflagging chink incel, aussie girls are definitely much fitter than amerishart women
>bad internet
>government censoring all your games
>poisonous spiders hiding in your headset to kill yoiu
Australia was a mistake.
Less fat
Let me put it this way. Europe gets about half the games the US and Japan get. And Australia gets about a third of the games Europe gets. And New Zealand gets about 75% of the games Australia gets. EB Games only sells like 12 physical games these days.
There's decent white chicks, especially once you get out of the cities. The real fucking crime is that there's not any attractive black chicks in this godforsaken country, its all abos and poos as far as the eye can see
Didn't America and Australia both come from cutting ties from the Brits? I don't see how there's much a difference there
>europe gets half the games
is this some kind of pedo "games" metric
I didn't say they were fat
No, their skinnier than burger sluts but still look like goblins.
For a more apt comparison burger sluts are more like orcs or hob goblins where as straya slags look like normal goblins.
australia didnt have the great genes from german settlers
its an ignored fact, but america's german heritage made it the powerhouse it is today
very often
and every Sunday, they hang people accused of watching pornography with flat-chested women