Is targeting a native 4k resolution just a waste of resources?

Is targeting a native 4k resolution just a waste of resources?

Attached: 1564269820059.jpg (800x600, 93.73K)

maybe if you poor

Framerate > resolution

it will be easy in a couple years

If you're not hitting 60FPS you shouldn't be worrying about resolution at all.
If you're hitting 60fps you should be worrying about getting it above that instead.

4k is a meme they should have pushed 1440p before 4k

yes, for video games especially, games just get more and more expensive to make because of this meme

just stick to 1080 and focus on art direction instead

4k is a meme for games

how is raising the resolution making games more expensive you absolute nigger

You can pretty much equate fps to resolution on a rough relative scale, while knowing the respective bottle-necks (fps:cpu & res:gpu). The scale is going 1080p to 4k (which is 2160p) is the same workload increase as doubling your FPS. The only caveat again, is making sure your CPU/GPU wont' bottleneck at your actual desired FPS/resolution.

However 4k is barely even starting so it's not worth it right now in that sense. Same for 144fps. However I think more games are supporting 120/144fps than 4k. But on the other hand, I think 4k is alot more mass-produced so the tvs/monitors are cheaper than 120+ fps monitors (don't think high fps tvs even exist). But your screen has to be in front of your face and at least 32inches. If it's farther away it has be fuck huger (TVs of which are probably mass produced too so that's fine).