Shin Megami Tensei (SMT)

So let me get this straight. This petulant manchild is always throwing edgelord tantrums and you people actually granted him his desires? People think he's actually cool? He's not really "Daddy" Dadga if he has the mental capabilities and emotional immaturity of a 10 year old. I get that some people hate the friends cast in Apocalypse (though they're not any worse than any other game desu, SMT IV/IV:A's writing is just lazy), but is this crybaby really a worthy alternative? Personally it's pretty clear he's just going through a phase a lot of teenagers do where they hate their parents for stupid reasons.

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You don't get it. People like him because he's a petulant manchild.

I haven't played apocalypse but he's hot

I side with him because he's right, not because he's likable.

in what way is he actually right though? his whole philosophy is hedged on the notion that friends make you weaker, and the game only somewhat backs this up arbitrarily. In reality it really isn't the case. Groups are almost always more effective at realizing their goals.

>typing this as he uses technoogy developed by communities decades ago

>starts out with reasonable and logical convictions to suck you into their ideology
>"thank you for siding with chaos user, now please, use this rusty spoon to gouge out the eyes of paraplegic war orphans for the weak must be eradicated"
why is chaos like this ?

Attached: plz no angry.jpg (480x360, 11.21K)

Kill yourself

the absolute state of chaosfags

no, now answer my question faggot

I sided with him on the sole premise that he revived me. I owed him my literal life and made a promise for it. You're literal garbage if you betray Dagda.

People like him ironically because the rest of the plot and characters are also shit

>not wanting to break away from humanity and achieve true freedom
Never gonna make it senpai.

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4A's entire story is diarrhea and the only way to get enjoyment from it is from irony and contrarianism

I can do that with my buddies Navarre and Toki tho

4a in general is trash that goes downhill fast. A part of why dagda is so satisfying is that by the end of the game you should hate everything about it including the writers and taking a piss on all their worldbuilding is cathartic.

Funny because Toki does it easily enough to you. Even after you save her life, several times.

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>Noooo you can't just allow humanity to live in a universe completely free from the influence of fake supernatural beings that constantly war, kill, and enslave them

there's no actual reason you have to kill your friends to dab on the gods, it's just a false dilemma put in there to make massacre/anarchy "novel"

This is technically true, but they decided they don't want the powers of a god-human ubermensch so they try to get in your way anyways.

isn't smt 5 just persona 5?
is that not how it works?

To make a new universe with Krishna's method you need souls to fuel it

bad bait fren

But the human allies in SMT games always suck and would be better filled by another demon so in that sense "friends" do make you weaker.

Yeah that's kind of another problem with the overall story arc of IV and IV:A. Clearly by IV:A Neutral is the "canon" trajectory and the humans want to be free of the demon vs angel BS, but when given the chance to break free they throw a hissyfit. Doesn't really make sense.

They're two completely different game series.

literally just use the red-producing slaves the Asura Kai have already.

I agree. There is literally no downside to Dagda's plan, the excuses they come up with are just ridiculous.

Trusting a random kid to remake everyone doesn't exactly inspire confidence user

Are you sure. They both start at 3.

um hello based department

Honestly neither party is objectively 'wrong', they both have legitimate points of view and legitimate reasons to oppose the other.

He's the reincarnation of a successful king, not some random nobody. Did you forget about that?

Good luck telling people that m8

Dagda's plan is literally "I'm butthurt do something about that"

>there's no actual reason you have to kill your friends to dab on the gods
Don't they decide to get in your way once they realize you really are on Dagda's side and not just playing along to not die?

They all knew by the time they opposed him. Did you forget about the comp he activated?

Dagda's plan is to give humans power beyond being human so they can break away from dependence on external things. There is no downside to this unless you like living as a parasite and want to impose that way of living on everyone else.

>Don't they decide to get in your way once they realize you really are on Dagda's side and not just playing along to not die?

it's just a plot contrivance desu, there's no reason they shouldn't want the freedom Dagda is espousing - but there's also no reason they have to die either, that is also a contrivance. There are plenty of souls that can be used that don't belong to the party members that got you this far and are actually very effective in combat.

The whole idea that souls need to be expended to produce a new universe is also a contrivance.