Sonic Advance 1 > Sonic Advance 3 > Sonic Advance 2
Rate the Sonic Advance games
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Sonic was never good
1 > 2 > 3
>sonic generations below sonic forces
Yeah I loved paying $40 for reused Genesis levels and "Classic Sonic" gameplay with homing attack chains
2 > 3 > 1
2 had a better story and gameplay than 3.
1 wasnt bad. just kinda forgettable
I love all these games, but Advance 1 just being a really aesthetically stylish classic game with no gimmicks is hard to beat. I really want a new 2D sonic with a similar aesthetic that goes further with Adventure/Rush ideas with tricks and environmental things to interact with.
>reused Genesis levels
It reused more than just Genesis levels but okay.
Never got to play Advance 3. But I liked playing as Amy in 1 since she didnt had a spin dash.
Cream was fine but it was just an easier mode Tails. And fuck the bosses in 2.
>level design
1 > 2 > 3
3 has too much "booster sends you right into a wall with a block that crushes you from above" and the stages are absolutely rife with bottomless pits. 2's stages start to feel a bit samey after a while. 1's stages are most similar to the classics.
3 > 1 > 2
"Hahaha let's have a boss spam an instakill move, and then make the player fight it again"
1's bosses were just pretty bland, but 3 had some much more interesting ideas.