Do we owe Nomura an apology?

Seems like Kitase pushed to turn FF7R into fanfic

Attached: 20200725_195027.jpg (1332x946, 397.64K)

>The Holy Gooch himself fronting for Nomura


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Bro why is this thread getting slided? Yo BARRY GET IN HERE. APOLOGISE BARRY


Nomura is like the eternal bully victim, everything that goes wrong gets blamed on him

Wrong gooch, retard

He's the fucking director. If they game is shit, it's his fault, especially if it's related to creative control.

Always knew that it was Kitase`s shittery again - Fucker should have been hanged long ago but japs tradition where age+manager always beats quality saves him(and zoomers who bite Remake)

>so if we were to change anything, we made sure that it would be something planned with a specific reason that fans could accept.

Well they failed in that regard.

I think that's their justification for the time jannies, that it's actually okay because it's really a sequel and thus it changes nothing about the original because it's not really a remake... too bad they fucking put "remake" in the title, fucking nip ripoff artists