Top 3 FPS series' of all time:
1) Counter-Strike
2) Halo
3) Team Fortress
Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
Top 3 FPS series' of all time:
It's actually:
>System Shock 1
You're wrong.
I said SERIES' not your favorite individual first-person shooters.
Counter Strike is only great if you enjoy modded gamemodes.
Halo hasn't been good in 10 years at best.
TF2 is pretty great, but its only one game, hardly qualifies as a great "series".
Counter-strike 1.6 zombie servers, super hero servers, and warcraft servers were actually innovation at its finest. But Halo defined multiplayer and set up the next generation of games and that's objectively true in my opinion. Also, Team Fortress classic buddy. That makes the Team Fortress brand a series.
>Single handedly made E-Sports and professional gaming cool
>Not even Quake or Counter-Strike had the same splash that Halo did (and I far prefer those games)
If by defined you mean ruined by introducing matchmaking and aim assist.
The original Team Fortress is mediocre at best and TF2 classic is a mod.
I don't see how that's a positive user
Every early valve game is a mod, brochacho.
Ah. I get it. You're the type that actively rejects people accepting your culture to the point of indulging in it. You're a nigger. Got it.
>"Top" means popular
CoD should supersede Team Fortress in that regard. Starcraft, and Fighting Games also did far far more for E-Sports than halo ever did. Halo was at its best on par with CoD.
By that retarded logic Quake is the greatest FPS of all time since so many FPS are descended from it.
What are you even trying to say here user
We're talking about initial splash in regards to innovation and influence, right?. Halo did more for esports than cod has ever. I have never been talking to someone and have had them say "You know what series changed the course of multiplayer forever? CALL OF DUTY!" It just doesn't happen lol. Most semi-professional or professional e-sports players accredit Halo for their interest in the professional scene.
But we aren't talking about individual games. We're talking about series'. I do believe Quake is one of the greatest FPS of all time for the record.
Quake is the greatest FPS series of all time based on your retard logic since it would allow for every single source game to include CS and Team Fortress to be a part of its "series".
Sure? But Quake didn't make my list. You can put it on yours if you want!
You do realize Counter-Strike and Team Fortress were not adaptations/mods of Quake right? They were adaptations of Half-Life. Your logic isn't holding up and you're the one insulting others
There's one good counter strike game (1.6). Its not a great series. Its a great game with two sequels that added nothing new and just made it look and play worse.
Whos the qt under char and to the left of master asia
As far as creating trends goes....
2) Goldeneye 007/Perfect Dark
3) COD 4
can you play Perfect Dark remaster on gamepass for PC?
They're adaptations of Half-Life which is itself an adaptation of Quake. Even if we don't allow for games with an engine between them that still allows for
>every GoldSrc game including Half-Life
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>Star Trek:Elite force
>Jedi Acadamy/Jedi Outcast
>the original CoD
I think she's from Valverave.
you're not wrong, but you're extremely underage
All of these games , especially HEXEN and JKA, are better than the zoomer games listed in the OP.
Quake / Unreal not withstanding, I'd argue even doom is a better "series" than team fortress.
Really, we should split this up into multiplayer and single-player.
TF2 is the greatest multiplayer FPS.
>class shooter
Nah. CS 1.6 is the best
I have no quarrels with your list, honestly. I can see why you picked every single one and put them where they are on your order in my head.
I'm 26 years old. Maybe that's severely underage to a boomer but idk.
I think TF2 deserves a high ranking as top multiplayer shooters but I wouldn't put it at #1. Counter-Strike 1.6 still has me on that one.