*Is best controller of all time in your path*

*Is best controller of all time in your path*

Attached: download (2).jpg (262x192, 6.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>no rumble
>feels light enough that holding it normally feels like I could snap it in half

How do I even get one these days? Every one I find seems to be a chinese knockoff

Sorry, switch pro is better purely on account of having gyro

dumb n*ntoddler

>xbox copy

Why didn't you post the Gamecube controller OP? You dick sucking Glycine eater?

>no gyro

*teleports behind you*
Heh, nothin personnel kid

Attached: 71Z-JFre8DL._AC_SX679_.jpg (679x472, 21.19K)

>>no rumble
But that's wrong you idiot.