Censorship is a fucking joke and a racket if you ask me

>Cero refuses to give you a rating without wiping nazi’s from your game even though they’re portrayed as evil
>give hitler shades
“Oh wow. Who is that!!? And his name is Fuhrer? Golly what an original character.
What’s that in the planes? German iron cross? Wow thank goodness you didn’t put hurler or any nazi symbolism.
We couldn’t do that”.
This isn’t even counting their refusal to label gambling as gambling

Attached: CCAD1714-AFDA-4B1C-8F87-CF39BCAF3E40.png (888x500, 755.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Both Hilter and "Fuhrer" are hilarious.

Question: has developers ever leaked games in their "raw" forms out of the disdian of forced censorship

I always loved the idea of taking the most infamous and easily recognised man that ever lived and putting sunglasses on him like people wouldn't notice who he was


Attached: hitler.jpg (800x450, 37.05K)

Censorship is counterproductive, but people don't seem to understand that. Every time someone tries to hide a mention obout Hitler or Nazism, one more person in the world will bleieve that Jews really control what Westerners can and thing. It is that simple.

If I remember correctly that was actually an issue with Japanese law about using a real person's likeness, rather than rating systems. Could be wrong, though.

Holy shit, I misspelled a lot of words in that message. Video games left me retarded.

Hitler with sunglasses makes him look somewhat cool instead of unappealing

Attached: 1593628496128.webm (640x360, 2.77M)