Why does cock turn me on so much?
The shape, the smell, the feeling of... weight and warmth.
I'm not gay but there's just something so enticing about a healthy, thick white, uncut, cock. It's enough to make my mouth water.
Why does cock turn me on so much?
gaymer moment
tinyurl.com twry5ma
tinyurl.com vxempnb
It's cause you need to be bred
that is so gay that even a gay ba would deny you service
> Japanese censorship.
Real fucking glad they blocked that 1 percent of that cock or else I’d be offended
So are you going to post more or what?
All humanity worship cock
Obelisks are built to honor the cock
its because you are gay and pathetic
it cuz u be wite boi
>I'm not gay
imagine being a janny on Zig Forums and deleting video game threads but letting this stay up
I prefer cunny
The janitor is coming!
Until he arrives.....I will buy some time
(Just this once.....master.....I must)
Correct. Having a dick fetish =/= being gay
this board fucking sucks
Thank you for your service
For me, it’s horsecock
post cunny to prove it
Cocks are really fucking hot, I wish I had a big dicked user bf. I'd suck him dry every day.
if this boards sucks, and you're on this board, why aren't you sucking yet?
Please be in London
I think you're just gay, user.
let me guess, you think deep throating a dick till it nuts down your throat isn't gay?
I'm not gay but if I got turned into a sexy girl I'd want to please as many cocks as I could get my hands on.
Neck yourself
Post pics of sexy anime girls, I need to fap
That's pretty gay, user.
This but futa cock
Can you post big anime tiddies instead?
Suck a cock. I finally did.
I now have 2 BF's along with a wife. They all know. Life is good.
That's way too gay for me.
Hey Meowie. I didn't expect you to be like this when we met up last year. How have ya been?
I would fuck that queen
I'm already sucking cock, but i'd like to go to a board about video games without seeing a Wojack or a cock.