"here is your cyberpunk gf bro"

>"here is your cyberpunk gf bro"

Attached: Edif5TZWsAEOspe.jpg (1869x2048, 654.66K)

"Here is your automated copy pasted shill thread bro"


>carpet muncher

I don't get it. This is how it is now...ohhh, I get it. Because the future is now.

Literally made for futa cock.

>be a phoneposting ESL redditor
>see a thread get 300+ replies
>can't read it or understand the context because you don't speak english, but you see the reply count
>save the image and text and repost it every day anyway
>fried dopamine receptors get a barely noticeable jolt from the (you)s

very cute, thank you

Cyberpunk takes place in Mexico

but also made for HAVING futa cock

>waitressita taco bellita gitana chickita bonita


Would fuck her

I'm more of a corpo mommy guy

Attached: tenor.gif (498x370, 559.24K)

This but i wouldn't say no to Judy either.

No thanks. I have taste. Give me a white woman.

No no me can no romance Mister V no no me busy cleaning the pool, me busy no no me can't romance no no.

Attached: limpiadoraaa ay ay ay.jpg (480x360, 32.3K)

Str8 men find other men sexually attractive. How the mighty have crumbled. And to think a few years back you used to beat us to death, look at you now, sucking feminine cock.

Attached: screen-shot-2019-06-09-at-21-20-18-1560112886.png (480x481, 268.29K)


>tfw no cyberpunk gf

Attached: 1589185100943.png (528x528, 365.74K)

I can be your cyberpunk boyfriend!

Attached: IF ONLY U KNEW how punk things really are.png (167x236, 78.29K)

she is cute


What's this actually from?

She's judy alvarez, member of the Mox (gang that protects prostitutes), she's a romance option too AND A FUCKING SPIC THAT FOR SOME REASON Zig Forums FINDS ATTRACTIVE BECAUSE STR8 MEN ARE FUCKING RETARDED IN 2020.

Attached: meow.png (818x447, 439.42K)

oh shes actually from the game? i thought it as some sort of joke.

Yeah, she's a character from the game, Zig Forums won't stop talking about her because "le cute latina waifu". Chances are she's a man hating dyke.

Attached: b1f0a6e7-f160-49ad-9f9d-dc2cae5598bc_w948_r1.77_fpx55.11_fpy50.jpg (948x536, 47.71K)

I prefer the corpo

>Limpdicked polcuck
Don't you just feel depressed being such a always-losing-waste-of-life? kys

are u not straight user?