The undisputed champion of Melee has quit in favor of streaming Chadtimate. These truly are the end of times for meleefags. Rollback might have given them a brief period of false hope, but now it's official that melee is dying.
Melee officially dying
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Hungrybox moving to Ultimate is good for Melee tho
didn't it turn out that every melee player is a kiddy diddler as well
You'd do the same if you found out the competitive scene for the game you play is just a cover up for a underground pedo ring.
>Melee Remake happens
wasn't it basically just ultimate players?
I dont remember hearing about any melee players
Just Ultimate players. The only one of them who was previously involved in the Melee scene was a commentator who ran off for 4/Ultimate. Melee bros don't need to fiddle kids, they just need to knock on their mom's door.
Melee is a meme only played by people salty at Nintendo for different reasons.
This. Melee players are the kids who were being diddled. Probably the reason for them playing Melee: they cant let go of their childhood.
I called this out a while ago. There was simply no way offline players would ever compete in any online matches. They need income and online simply plays too differently from offline. Streaming is their only lifeline.
Only because Zack is a fucking psychopath. The sole female being accused had lawyered up so you need to prove it in court that she did something wrong first. Mew was proven to be innocent while Leffen is still the biggest fag on the planet.
ok groomer
Are you saying Zack did nothing wrong?
>Man who nearly killed melee with his keep away meta jigglyfaggotry finally fucks off
No, it has recovered from cancer
>can't talk about this game anymore because of 1% of the people being diddlers
>unskilled retard who can’t do a wavedash and single handedly removes interest in watching tournaments killed melee
Well yes, but years ago
He was a minor so yes.
no that was all ultimate players
You people are dumb as fuck.
He realized the real money is on streaming ads and donations
Tournament prize money is only good if you consistently end top 4 in tournaments, even then with things like corona cancelling tournaments its much harder to get a lot of money
Meanwhile streaming makes a constant revenue and you don't need to train 10 hours a day just to keep up with the latest matchups and meta
Zero realized this so thats why he became a streamer while he was good at smash 4 cause he knew he would become irrelevant on competitive ultimate
>Hungrybox will kill melee
>Hungrybox leaving will kill melee
20 more fucking years, Zig Forumsappa
isnt this good news? I thought meleefags despised Hungrybox and how he played the game
All smash players are pedophiles
did he play the game as intended or something?
Any adult still playing Nintendo games is a pedophile.
it was all ult players except for one tranny groomer commentator from melee.Good riddance if anything
He's just being a histrionic faggot because he realized that he can't just auto win online tournaments after only streaming ultimate. In reality, he'll be back if irl tournaments come back. Him leaving would be wonderful though
He got beat at his best matchup by a literal who
Tried to time out the match like a little bitch, he's a one trick pony and a scumbag
He is a dramabitch and he will crawl back to Melee.
Ultisharts are celebrating this as a win, but they don't seem to realize that melee autists are also celebrating it.
That's ok play melee kart instead
Fuck off, shill.
It's always funny to see retards talking confidently about something they don't know
yeah we hate him, he makes melee top 8s will be alot more interesting and fun to watch without him.
I know its a figure of speech, but an actual 1% would be a huge amount of diddlers :^)
> Despite being online, lloD's victory over Hungrybox marks Hungrybox's first ever loss to a Peach player.