Forced nigger version of a well established white superhero

>forced nigger version of a well established white superhero

why are developers doing this so often?

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i mean, miles has been an established hero for a long time now
but at this point, its just pandering and social brownie points

PS4 Miles is at least good and is his own character, comic Miles on the other hand is nothing more than a brownie point device.

>developers do this

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because fuck whitey

No one forcing u to play it pathetic white cuck lol cry more

They said they're still going to make games with Peter, so I'm fine with him.

>long time

Because whitey lost the culture war, get used to it.

I dont care as long as the game is good.

How did Black Peter get his powers tho? Did he have to suck spider infested DNA semen out of White Peter's dick?
If so that's kinda gay.

The negros are the perfect coomsumer.

2011 was 9 years ago

>Sony announces they’re rebooting the Spider-Man movies
>Donald Glover, who fucking loves Spider-Man, says he wants to play him in the reboot
>anti-SJWs screech and ree because Spider-Man is white and a black person is not allowed to be this character who’s not particularly based around being white and also wears a costume that completely obscures his race
>he doesn’t get cast, but it turns out to not matter because those movies were fucking shit (though Andrew Garfield did his best)
>meanwhile, in the Ultimate Marvel comics, which are about to be retired so have stopped giving a fuck, Peter Parker dies
>new Spider-Man appears to take his place, because it’s a fairly common trope to have multiple people take up the same superhero persona, The Flash and Green Lantern were doing that shit in the 50s
>not even the first time Marvel had a black person replace a white superhero, Rhodey was Iron Man for a while in the 80s
>Bendis remembers that Donald Glover shit and decides to make a black Spider-Man
>he’s popular enough with fans to remain a character after Ultimate Marvel ends, and even star in his own capekino

>9 years.

DC did it better

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>not just continuing peter's storylines
Miles is ok but Peter was pretty enjoyable.

Because SJWs have absolutely zero talent for art. So they go and ask/beg/blackmail others to change existing characters.

because theyre marxists and its just the latest trend among neo-marxists


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>Stan Lee dies
>They immediately kill spiderman to black face him

But the original Spider-Man was made by a SJW too.

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You know what I'm glad that every popular character is getting turned into black people. Solely because it pisses off you racist fucks. You don't belong in the world anymore. Die.

>forced pig skin version of videogame characters in general

Why are developers doing this so often?

Miles Morales was created in 2011. Stan Lee was still alive, and even came out in support of letting Donald Glover audition.

built for WM

>miles has been an established hero
He's been an established racebait.. It was social brownie points then, people called them out on it, it's social brownie points now.

Donald Glover is way too old to be spiderman.

That is a quote, not his own words.

Because capeshit is jewish to the core, just like all American "culture".

don't worry it wasn't the main universe Peter

Static Shock sandbox game when?

I guarantee Miles has been around for longer than you've been alive, newfag

It's almost a decade retard