Platinum Games

This poor developer has been cursed with the worst kind of fanbase a developer can have: a fanbase that praises your work to high heaven... but never buys the games themselves. So, no matter how much your games get their dick sucked, they always underperform.

Honestly I'll rather have a fanbase that never says shit (besides a Metacritic / Steam reivew) but at least buy the fucking things.

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Fuck 'em they scammed their fanbase hard with TW101R

This poor developer makes poor games with the same uninspired combat every time. Vanquish was their best, and it's still nothing amazing.

Stop making these threads retard, mgrr and bayo are cool. Go play some games instead of fucking complaining

They need to market their games better

How so? I never bothered with the remaster since I owned the original.

How was it a scam?

>Give Platinum money
>Got the game

Astral chain sold pretty well
Like 1.2 million copies, it's no pokemon but for the budget and being kinda niche that's pretty good

I buy them. I think the problem is that they don't have many fans.

Youre incorrect. The fanbase does buy the games but the fanbase is too small to give the games any significant sales.

>a fanbase that praises your work to high heaven... but never buys the games themselves
It's not that Platinum fans don't buy their games, it's just that they're a very vocal group, so they seem much larger than they are. The truth is that Platinum isn't that popular and their fanbase is small, so their sales are never impressive - if you just went off what you see on Zig Forums, you'd think Shantae is this massive franchise, when it's this small series of average-to-bad platformers thats only really popular with coomers.

I've picked up
>Nier: Automata
Bayonetta 2 and Astral are too expensive atm

I'm seeing people on Kickstarter freak out because they didn't know customs were a thing.

PG games I liked:
Metal Gear Rising, Vanquish, Nier Automata

PG games I disliked:
Transfomers: devastation

PG games I won't bother due to reasons:
The Bayonetta series, TW101, Astral Chain

I'm not interested on their Ultraman game because it looks like a self-indulgent game (and probably will be Switch exclusive).

That isn't Platinum's fault

i did buy the games
at least the ones i liked
sorry for not liking wonderfull 101 or whatever other shit that wasn't my thing

they need to make a multiplayer game already. Anarchy reigns was a cool idea, id like to see a cross platform modern take on the idea

How does that make it a scam? Are people just dumb?

Project GG is confirmed multiplatform since it's their first fully owned IP and will be self-published.

Bayo 1, Vanquish, Revengeance, Bayo 2, Automata, and Astral Chain are verified successes in varying amounts. I also bought W101 on three separate occasions and own TF Devastation, MadWorld, and Star Fox Guard but that barely counts. I am very interested in Project GG, Babylon's Fall, and Bayo 3, we just need more information about them.

>Back the game
>Backer copy is lost in the mail
>Get sent a new copy at no extra charge
>Get it, play it, it's even better than I remember
What scam?

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I bought all of their games that matter (Madworld, Bayo, Bayo 2, MGR, Anarchy Reigns, Vanquish, W101, Neir). I didn't buy the licensed games, because who gives a fuck? I'll buy Astral Chain if I ever get a Switch.

Bayo 1 & W101R aren't Nintendo exclusive though, they run great on PC or PS4, unless you just don't like Kamiya.
>Disliked Devastation
I don't know if we would get along.

>Transfomers: devastation
What did you dislike about it?

But I bought MGR / Nier 2 /Vanquish on PC and Wonderful 101 / Bayo 2 on Wii U.

Pirated Astral Chain on Yuzu because fuck shitch.

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Why would customs care to stop a video game delivery?

Did they recover after Microsoft and Cygames yet?

I disliked Transformers because it looked very cheap and the gameplay was gimmicky: just turn into a car, build speed, crash into an enemy, mash attack, repeat.
Vanquish was gimmicky too but it felt way more pleasant to play and the encounters were very well designed.

I hate minigames unrelated to the main game interrupting a game every five minutes so TW101 is a no-no. Weirdly enough, I had no trouble with Automata's hacking minigame or space shooter segments.
I was ready to play the first Bayonetta until I found that one of the Vergil-like boss fights has a long Space Harrier segment before it and you're forced to replay said Space Harrier segment if you die. I hate Space Harrier; I hated it on DMC1, I hated it on Yakuza 0 to the point where I didn't recruit that hostess due to it requiring to score a certain amount of points on its in-game emulation of Space Harrier and therefore I'll rather avoid that game than suffering an aneurysm having to clear that SH segment x amount of times.

>I disliked Transformers because it looked very cheap and the gameplay was gimmicky: just turn into a car, build speed, crash into an enemy, mash attack, repeat.
The systems start to shine on higher difficulties when enemies can really swarm you and force you to understand that the game's core mechanics are focused on the building and maintaining of momentum; the Overdrive mechanic is what ties it all together. You need to make a bunch of split-second decisions because enemies don't de-aggro when offscreen like in Bayo or DMC.
>one of the Vergil-like boss fights has a long Space Harrier segment before it and you're forced to replay said Space Harrier segment if you die. I hate Space Harrier
I get it but it flares my autism when people call that Space Harrier when that one section is the only time Kamiya actually did Afterburner instead of Space Harrier, but he put Space Harrier music over it for some reason. Afterburner is WAY better than SH, but that sequence plays like dogshit compared to the good Afterburners. Meanwhile W101 Operation 009A has a pretty faithful recreation of Space Harrier with the only real fault being how long it goes.

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It was listed as a product and not a gift. Customs in many countries stop packages like that just because and have people pay fines that are like the equivalent to $10-15. At least that's what I heard happened to a lot of people in Europe and other countries. Not sure about Japan, but Burgers were okay because the game was actually manufactured here.

Nothing funnier than a retard

their last two games sold well, what the fuck are you talking about

also how did you come to the conclusion that their fanbase didn't buy their games instead of the obvious fact that the vocal internet fanbase represent a small minority of video games consumer base

I'd recommend making an exception for Devastation. It's one of their best in a few different ways despite its budget, and it has my favorite set of bosses in any action game. It shares a director with Revengeance if that helps give you reason.

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This makes me worried to import games

Someone PLEASE stop Kamiya from putting stupid fucking mini-games in everything. They're never fun and they always last too long.