How's that botnet PC bros?

Attached: gamingspyware.jpg (2285x1229, 978.42K)

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No idea about the other shit but most of the things it lists for steam are optional.

I fucking hate the dilution of terms like botnet and spyware. It makes it near impossible for me to take this seriously, even though there are genuine concerns about data collection.

Those mean nothing if your operating system is already worse.

Attached: Why Windows 10 sucks.png (807x6544, 1.7M)

I like how steam is there
"It collects addresses and credit card information"
Yes, retard Linux, I mean GNU/Linux or "GNU + Linux"", generally when you use a fucking credit card the company needs that information

The fact he's using propaganda to push his "muh thinkpad freedum" memeOS is retarded
Linux is great for supercomputers and servers. It's not good for anything else.

install /g/entoo

cope harder shizo bro

What makes it good for servers?

>I like how steam is there "It collects addresses and credit card information"

Read further brainlet.

So leave a footnote about the proper terminology and stop being autistic about it. The fact that it is happening is the bigger issue.

Useful idiot.

Linux is just fine for desktop it just has a higher skill floor than macos and winshit.

I don't know if I can hate Steam in good faith considering all the good they did with Proton.

There are legitimate concerns but you're a tinfoil hat wearing schizo.
People like you only things worse because you convince the general public to not take these things seriously.

Skill floor = people don't want to wast time coding shit when neet autists are already doing it and are creating softwares that will be in the end of quick and easy use to intelligent people who do not want to waste their time.

>Post sourced information about a phenomenom that's actually happening and becoming more and more trending throughout all software and services

You're just a retarded normie, I see.

Lmao unironically don't care

imagine not realizing that Sony and Microsoft are already using your console to farm crypto

Attached: 1553595117429.jpg (398x376, 37.07K)

Sourced information my ass. You're acting as if Stallman isn't horribly biased towards any closed source project or any project not conforming to his hippy worldview in general.

>Read further brainlet.
What, the closed source thing? Are you saying that since Steam is closed source, there's an extremely likely chance that they're doing nefarious things with your credit card info?

>wast time coding shit
You don't need to be a coding guru to use Linux, all it takes is learn how to use a terminal.
If you started using Linux and Win at the same time it'd take the a similar amount of time to familiarize yourself with each.

Cope harder consolefag, Microsoft and Sony already farm your personal info for crypto

>Didn't read

Who said they didn't?

His entire argument is retarded, any service you pay for with a credit card needs your billing address.
Steam has other methods of payment, even had crypto some time ago but removed it due to the volatility of it.
He also failed to mention that you can anonymously purchase steam gift card and pay using that, no need to use a credit card and disclose your information. But of course he won't mention that because it doesn't fit his narrative.

I use discord only in browser, and deleted steam ages ago.


Attached: 1567558477277.png (650x490, 19.84K)

>written by a faggot that sees botnets in everything
Also, archive that shit, I am giving that faggot clicks.

>I use discord
Zoomer. Zoomerfaggot.

>replies with a non-committal dismissal
Glad to see you conceding so quickly.

Nah, use it for work.

What kind of company use discord to communicate?

i only use steam and because i'm forced
if i could chose between any launcher and games without forced drm shit , i would pick the games without drm

>claims to be concerned about data mining
>uses Zig Forums, the most bot crawlable shill infested website available
kek. you all likely already have jobs and go to hospitals that are infinitely worse for your data security too but I don't hear you complaining about that. someday you'll all learn that dodging collection is nigh impossible now and that you can really only confuse/mask your fingerprint. either that or live like a hermit.

>It just collects addresses and credit card information

I'll feed it to you:

>In Steam's privacy policy[1], Steam details that it collects the following user information:

>Credit Card Number(s)
>IP Address
>Device Unique ID
>Chat logs
>Fourm posts
>Voice Chat Recordings
>Hardware Enumeration

>Steam also confirms that it shares this information with third parties. The implications of this are as follows: Steam knows your name, age, where you live, your banking information, and what your e-mail is. Steam shares this information with other companies (at least, to the extent allowed by law). Steam can use your IP Address to track where you are to the nearest county and can use your Device Unqiue ID provided by the fingerprinting spyware features inside Steam to track your usage habits across devices that you use. Steam also records all of your communications with others through its social networking and instant messaging services, such as all chat logs, voice conversations, and forum posts, and can share all of this information with third parties as well.

>website funded by epic
really makes you think

image is hueg

Can KP still collect info if you run it on Linux through Proton?