Fairy Tail


I'm probably gonna do an all dragon slayer team and then an all powerhouse team.

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Only ones I care to use are Natsu, Lucy, and Erza.

Though I'd have replaced Lucy with Flare if given the chance.

Well you can have five people on a team, not sure if you can use less, but I know the max is five.

Yeah, and the rest will depend upon what they can do.

I'm just saying I don't care about anyone beyond that since Flare isn't a proper team member possible.

gildarts is stronger than laxus right

Ah, yeah. That makes sense. I really don't know how many abilities and what types of abilities everyone can learn. Some might be better for buffing or support so if you want to build an autistic min/max team based off abilities then that'd make more sense. I was just wanting to build my fanfiction team if anything.

I personally don't think Laxus is stronger than Gildart. Laxus is still easily top league though compared to several others.

Already posted it in the other thread but my main team will most centainly be
Though I'll try to use every character as much as possible so it doesn't get tedious

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if he's equal to erza then he's not even natsu tier

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Are reviews out at all?

who cares its leaked for switch so just download it. Unless you dont have a hacked switch user

1) Erza
2) Laxus
3) Sting
4) Mirajane
5) No idea. Wildcard. Maybe Jellal or Cherria.

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I don’t pirate from devs I like

He technically beat Erza, though just barely. I wouldn't use Natsu as an argument since he's the MC and clearly gets special treatment.

Me neither

>Playing anything on Switch

Kek, it'll play and look 10x better on PC and that's saying something since this doesn't even look like a heavy graphics kind of game.

By hype alone, yes. Although give it a some more years and Laxus will eventually eclipse him.

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People who leak niche games that barely make any money are inhuman

From previous thread before it got archived:


Careful for the dragonslayers OP

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>anime game will look less anime on switch
well yeh user the switch is less powerful but its cool


I get that she's S rank and has a reputation but I really feel like she's overrated and overhyped. She basically is the guild's bartender now.

>Careful for the dragonslayers

Why? Do dragonslayers have some weakness or downside in this game?

I didn't mean dragonslayer in the meta namesake, I mean enemies with the ability to fuck with dragon ability users.

user, Mira manages to keep her strenght even though she barely gets any action, imagine how strong she would be if she constantly fought and trained like everyone else
And she's the hottest character in FT along with Erza

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Ah, this game has those? I don't know a lot about the game, but if there are enemies that are designed to be strong against dragonslayers then that sucks because it'll ruin my dragonslayer playthrough.

lmao no
and she's a slut

Oh yeah, user? Well if she's so hot then why doesn't she fuck anyone or date anyone? Hmm?!? Checkmate.

she's too pure for that, she'll die a virgin maiden

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she took that laxus dick 100%

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I find Her body beyond hot, but is it only me that finds the random ass hairtail on top of her hair retarded and a bonerkill? Maybe im acoustic like that.

She will end up with Laxus, we all know that. Which is a much better outcome than poor Juvia or Lucy.

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You have to go for the demon form then.

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>super saiyan hair
>unnecesary red crap on the neck
>For some reason mashima designed her less thicc in this form

>less thicc
I don't follow.

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>And the hairtail is back...
1 step forward and 2 steps back

I think it's cute
Maybe her bangs were getting in the way of her waitress job so she tied it up

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