Please....please shut the fuck up

Please....please shut the fuck up

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I hate Americans.

It's okay. They'll just retroactively replace every mention with "foe" and call it a day. Problem solved!

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>Richard Steven Horowitz
It's Horvitz.

They sound like a pussy.

what a pussy

fucking pussy

This guy sounds sexually frustrated. It's not a review and reads more of a personal diary of why he can't find sex

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Wow, what a fucking pussy. And to think, game devs think these people represent the whole demographic.

>American paper houses

American here, why is this? My house was built in 1968 and I can hear all the shit outside, so it's not a modern thing.

oh sorry, Her (male)

Me too user, me too

As an American I'm slowly beginning to see that maybe we are the enemy of the people

never played the game but when i saw the commentary track i got a little interested because it seemed like fun humor
am i a bigot

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>It's ok to genocide the human race
>That part was even fun
>But I draw the line at NPCs calling me a pussy

Paper houses started in the late 40s, early 50s during the post war expansion of suburbia. My house was built in 1906 and its walls are THICK as fuck. Semi's roll by and i dont hear them until they are directly infront of the house due to windows.

What a fucking pussy.

Idk man, I'm American in an apartment and either my walls are not paper or I have very quiet neighbors because I never hear a peep. I think the whole American paper walls meme only applies to cheap constructions or something.

Kidnapping, mass murder, and dismemberment GOOD! Mean words BAD!

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What the actual fuck

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Jesus Christ i can't imagine how the writer of this article would feel playing Manhunt or Prototype they would go into cardiac arrest considering what kind of content is in those two aformentioned titles.

>playing with speakers ever
people around you are embarrassed to hear you play any video game. if you aren't specifically trying to show someone something, you use headphones.

should be happy it's subtle, the real 1959 america was pretty up front about it. also not sure what his problem is with the word pussy unless he legitimately does not know what the word means lol.

so literally the only thing liberals and conservatives agree can be in media is extreme violence

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Reminds me of the Mafia 2 remaster. You get a warning when you start the game that the story was written in 2010 and basically isn't woke enough for 2020. A GAME HAS A WARNING ABOUT BEING WRITTEN IN 2000 FUCKING TEN.

>Use headphones
>In your own living space
Please die.

Please tell me you are just making that up user.

It's too obtuse, are liberals just really good trolls?

Honestly this desu

The game literally has a warning for these utter pussies that tells them 'This game was made in 2005 and shit was different, you might not like the sexual perviness of the alien and shit or the language'

to think that western studios cater to that people...

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I honestly cannot imagine what it's like living in America and this being the average mindset.
Alien country.

Yeah, it's wholly an American thing to quiver at the mention of pussy while bathed in the blood of their enemies.

playing with speakers is great because then other people have to hear what you're doing without having any control over it. you're cucking them in the ear.

No, I'm not. I played the original back in the day so I got the remaster for free on steam. When you start a new game it literally warns you that the story was written in 2010 and blah blah blah it can hurt some feelings.

my house is made of brick with dry wall on the inside. i dont think its very old either. maybe the US is a very fucking big place so the quality of the houses may differ.

wow that is sad.

People have conflated sensitivity with fragility nowadays it's borderline satirical.

>Plaiyng an obvious 18+ VR game
>Covering your eyes

Are these retards serious?

THIS ONE TOO? FUCK. Were these fucking faggots even alive in 2005 to 2010? Like what the fuck were they doing back then?

i think thats a yakuza game.

These people are marketing geniuses

This. In the Era the game is set, they didnt just think or whisper, they yelled these words across the street at people.

>mass murder and arson is fine, but calling me a pussy isn't.
Welcome to the new America. Rapture soon, please Jesus, take me away.

Holy shit they're still around? I remember them already being irrelevant when they gave TheSpoonyOne an award (i.e. 2009).

there's a yakuza vr game?

Hahahahaha you call a house made in the 1960s old?

how many years until is labeled as the "p-word"?

Why did all of you allow people like this to gain power and influence?

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So they remastered this? No wonder Xbox gave away the original for free recently.


The absolute state of Tumblr / Twitter influence. Oh no mah feelings! Truth is so much stranger and fucked up than fiction