Nintendo leak threads got booted off of Zig Forums because people called it a general, but are perfectly fine with this shit.
Jannies are massive trannies and are running this place into the ground.
Zig Forums threads, wojack threads and cum threads are ignored most of the time while nintendo threads get insta pruned in order to uphold the no general rule in the most autistic way possible, despite the rule clearly saying individual threads are permitted.
At least take solace in the fact those losers do it for free.
Where's the Nintendo Leak Thread? I can't found one on /vg/
Don't forget there is a "Monster Hunter" thread up right now that has been posted numerous times and jannies refuse to delete the thread even when it has a giant dog dick in it.
Nobody cares, consider dialing 8.
I don't see you nintenniggers complaining when you let 70 fucking smash threads cover the entire catalog during n-direct months.
OP is lying, the threads were never moved to /vg/. They died out on Zig Forums and are now on /vr/.
Ok abib
You people have had a permanent smash thread on this board since time immemorial. Your complaints mean fucking nothing.