Fear not, the dark, my friend

Fear not, the dark, my friend
And let the feast begin

Attached: locust.jpg (1000x940, 121.38K)

why was he so hungry?

he's american

What's this your freakin mother?

Because he's a locust. Also because the dark has some really bitching cooking, it's mostly fried though.

Why do these ones not attack you but the ones in the swamp do?

Many of us are by the fire forsaken.
I speak of thine kind, and mine.
Behold this city! We are kindred, belike two eyes which gaze upon the other.
Fear not, the dark, my friend.
And let the feast begin.

Attached: locust2.jpg (300x169, 16.97K)

>Why do some humans attack you but others don't?
Fucking racist.

One was a wayfaring knight, on an endless, forbidden search.
Only the Abyss granted closure, if not reunion with his beloved.
Fear not, the dark, my friend.
And let the feast begin.

Attached: locust3.jpg (259x194, 7.83K)

One met the dark with learning. But in the end, learned his knowledge was wanting.
The world began without knowledge, and without knowledge will it end.
Dost not this ring clear and true?
Fear not, the dark, my friend.
And let the feast begin.

Attached: locust4.jpg (195x259, 9.31K)