*surpasses Sekiro in your path*

*surpasses Sekiro in your path*

Attached: tsu.png (957x743, 789.99K)

*doesn't care about either*

>no you can't simultaneously enjoy both thing, you have to enjoy only one and hate the other

Sekiro's combat is infinitely better. What the fuck were they thinking not having a lock-on. I just swing the sword hoping he hits the right person out of five surrounding me.

And no one is gonna be talking about this in a month, let alone award season.

Ghosts of Tskino confirmed as too hard for From babies

nothing cute
nothing funny
hard pass

*cared enough to post*

thats right, i dont enjoy glorified ubisoft open world of Tsushima. brb following the 55th fox to.. wow, a shrine, what a fucking shock

Sekiro now feels like a tech demo that went on for way too long.
Should have ended up in the tower, would have been perfect, but making it a full length game without any other weapons or fashion was just a weird choice.

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Sekiro is getting a similar mask as DLC, kek

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SEKIRO is way harder

*gets GOTY in your path*

Attached: sekiro.jpg (212x238, 8.99K)


Sorry the real champ is here

Attached: tlou2sales_firstmonth.jpg (1839x915, 144.22K)

Its gonna surpass Bloodborne total lifetime sales in a few days if already hasnt. But which game is still gonna talked and discussed about 5 years from now and in the formers case 10.

>Casual game sells more than hardcore game from well known hardcore studio
Imagine my shock
Call me when it's out on a platform that can run it at more than 30 frames.

Sekiro is pure mashing

Real champ? everyone has forgotten about that dogshit game. Cope harder tranny.

but that's not true

The no lock-on was a really bad decision. It would improve the combat so much.

>Call me when it's out on muh computer

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Remove in combat deathblows, and give Sekiro a sword that isn't a tickle stick and I would enjoy it more. I have more fun trying to crack open certain generic enemies than I do fighting most bosses.

It’s fun but it’s a mashathon just like souls

The sad thing is that it could have easily sold more if they went with a name that didn't trigger Americans

>the quality of art is determined by how much money it makes
If you think this, your brain is utterly broken and you're incapable of critical thinking.

The ps5 must be pretty shit huh

Can GOT make 6 mil in a month? i don't think so incel

getting parries is harder the more you press block. I guess you can mash, but you won't be very effective and you won't be able to play without the charm

Sekiro is 5+ million copies sold btw

>a name that didn't trigger Americans
How does it trigger anyone? Is Tsushima too difficult to read for the average adult?

>shitty casual Ass Creed gameplay
>G R A P H I X

Well it’s a much better game than Sekiro so of course it should sell more.

Actually 6 million

You'll buy it and enjoy it

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>sn*y thread
>c*ckjak poster
imagine my shock

>How does it trigger anyone? Is Tsushima too difficult to read for the average adult?
Oh boy.

Parries are still very lenient in suckiro, much more than GoT actually. Mikiris are quite mash friendly as well. And the moveset is so dull, the worst offence. 90% of the time the ideal dps is walking up to the enemy and mashing r1 just like all souls games

I fucking hate this board.

>gayest ninja
>least homosexual ninja game ever made
How does he do it, lads?

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Oy vey

CoD, Fifa, GTA, and Madden confirmed the greatest games of all time.

>expecting meaningful discussion in le samurai consolewar thread

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I'm going to sceencap this and spam it after Go(a)T of Tsushima gets Game of the Year.

You really think ghost will get the goty over cyberpunk? Dream on

>Visit friend
>Try out Ghost of Tsushima
>Push all buttons to learn keys, friend tells me about water stance he just unlocked
>Clear out mongol camp with 15 dudes, healing once

Fun game with lots of charme. The difficulty curve is pleasent, the game is not brain dead like Assasin's creed.
Sekiro is more of a nichè title, dudebros won't even touch it because they can't handle it when a game denies them a dopamine rush by having difficult bosses.

Sekiro is a niche title because fromsoft was lazy and made a fraction of a game, when they usually would add hundreds of weapons and armor pieces.


Damn everything that isn't a RPG must be lazy and shit

>Tsushima too difficult to read for the average
Some normies get pushed away thinking it's some "hardcore jap crap for nerds"

>90% of the time the ideal dps is walking up to the enemy and mashing r1 just like all souls games
but they'll immediately counter attack, unlike DaS where you can stunlock them. did you even play it?

More like Goatse of Tatsumaki, am I right guys?

Sekiro is the most complete game they've ever made

Yes CoD, Fifa, GTA, Madden and TLOU2 sold much much more than GOT

another brainlet that doesn't understand it's not dark souls and isn't a fucking RPG in any way

Only literally because the judge panel were being fucking retards on purpose and pretending REmake was some remaster port from 1998. They fucking gave COD best sound design over it, meanwhile plenty of other groups gave it full on GOTY because it deserved it.

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