Well, Zig Forums?

Well, Zig Forums?

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Cause gays are gay as fuck.

Who gives a shit

Most people dont care or dislike homosexuals

because proportionally they're not that big a part of the population, the overwhelming majority of people are straight so it would be a misrepresentation to have lots and lots of gay characters. 1/10 characters being gay is the upper limit

That would be pretty gay

How many fags and shit are there in the world?
How many actually BUY games?

Why are all gaming journalist ugly?

All the gay niggas in any game that includes romance are fucking skinny manlets with a soi voice, flamboyant faggot personality, receding hairline and a neckbeard. I want a tall, muscular, handsome gay romance option

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>I want a tall, muscular, handsome gay romance option
They don't exist because to be tall, muscular, and handsome you actually need testosterone.

Because i don't want to play as fag. Or help one.

It's already boring when a protagonists main goal is their loved one so why would I want the same thing but with gays

haha durkee :DDDDDDD

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>lesbian and trans respectively
For some reason that made me laugh. Do not nod's games really are containment games.

I wish games with killable npcs had more fags.

Because they make up for less than 1% of the population?
They always whine about lack of representation but they are in fact over represented in video games.

Because being a dysfunctional minority is not character development

the thing about this game is that the tranny coming out directly causes the death of their mother and sister. do trannies really like this kind of representation?

faggots dont play games, thats why.

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Despite westerners making 90% of games (non low budget ones) and being faggot-loving homos, they are still dependent on global profits and thus rely on the rest of the world that hates fags and trannies.
Funny stuff

because they're morally right as pedophilia except they're being pushed slowly but surely as being normal and healthy. they're both mental defects and social taboo.

OP has wrong pic

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Did this piece of shit finally manage to break 5 million sales yet, lmao?

You literally cannot name a canonically straight, cis videogame protagonist from the last year.

It's so tiring, etc.

Bold statement coming from someone who can't stop sucking dick

>>>>>(guest blog)

GLAAD meant ‘Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation’ years ago, but was criticized for having 80% of male members and absolute minimal work done towards lesbians.
To be more inclusive they removed the acronym explanation and now are just called GLAAD, which means nothing. But with new name they could also tackle the transgender issues, which for some reason increased their funding by tenfold. Their benefactors are usual giants like Google, Salesforce, Comcast, Tawani Foundation, Arcus and multiple private billionaire persons who donate openly and anonymously through middleman funds.
Any lesbian work practically vanished from the GLAAD. gays are on steep decline too. It's all about transgenders now. Because they bring the most money. Not for gaming giants mind you, but for countless activist orgs popping out.

Because there's literally not enough people who actually care about it and marketers are moving on to the next commoditization

Are you kidding faggots infected all the entertaintment industry year ago why would you want more?

>Still attracted to w*men

They're more trouble then they are worth including them unless they're unrealistic merry sues they will be rejected bye the "progressive" crowd and if they are merry sues they will be rejected bye the general public and then there's the people who will scream and shit there pants at any LGBTQ representation it's easier to just not bother

Because video games are a product, and products are, if they are well thought through, be designed to target the largest potential market possible. This is in order to gain the greatest amount of revenue in return for the product.

Being generous, homosexuals and other non-heterosexual orientations account for 7% of the population (lesbians, gays and bisexuals are around 4% of the population in my country, so again I want to emphasise that saying all the remaining non-heterosexual orientations make it up to 7% is a generous estimate).

This means that by making a character non-heterosexual, you are doing so in order to appeal to 7% of of your market at the potential cost of losing some or all appeal with the remaining 93%.

Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that there is little non-heterosexual representation in video games because it is not a logical financial decision if your goal is mass appeal, which it should be if you are a money-making business.

Because trannies don't want to be trannies you fucking retard, they want to be whatever they think they are. They want "women" that are men

So you hate minorities? You're pathetic

maybe this faggot should make his own videogame with a cock sucking protagonist instead of whining

Seems like trannies employ the same tactics that jews do


I have no strong opinion or feeling on minorities one way or the other because to say that everyone in a minority group can be thought of as all the same is ridiculous and an irony that I hope the more passionate advocates of group representation catch on to sooner rather than later. All I am doing is presenting a logical chain of thought that answers the question in the OP.

white people are less than 5% of the population and you hate them

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