Xbox confirmed for superior

The highest IQ man in gaming just chose Xbox.

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sonyfags are seething and coping

>Valve barely make any games
>Xbox barely make any games

It's a match made in heaven

>The highest IQ man in gaming just chose Xbox.

You mean the ex-Microsoftjew with millions of dollars worth of Microsoft shares just publicly supported Microsoft?

Imagine my shock.

>choose xbox
>game also comes to steam
Fat fuck is only looking out for himself.

>consolemutts thread

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sony has games on steam too

The only people that give a shit about gabe is PC "gamers"
They aren't buying an xbox

He did more for linux than torvalds.

>Microsoft + Valve
>Sony + Epic

Who's Nintendo gonna team up with lads?

Sony barely makes any games, too. One major release every 3-5 years and there's no guarantee you'll like it.

>12 teraflops of power
>makes Halo infinite
Gabe obviously didn't see the showcase

He also said that PC is the platform for him and that only if he had to choose he would easily pick xbox over PS5

Which is no surprise considering that the Series X simply has the better hardware and Gabe is a hardware guy. If not for that he would side with Sony simply because he still isn't liking Microsoft and the direction they are going with Windows.

Nintendo went Mobile


2 in two months

>tim sweeney praises sony
>sony always winning since then
>gaben is shitting on sony
>couple months later apologizing and releasing a PlayStation game
>same thing happens years later
you cant make this shit up, imagine giving a shit about some tech illiterate jew

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Sony is a publisher. They does not make any games at all. You people are 60 IQ niggers.

How ironic

yea like what outside of horizon that isn't out yet

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Do you really think that dude still plays video games?
He's selling games on PC and Xbox is closer to PC than Playstation so that's his choice.

What the fuck is Arrowhead?

>gaben: gg ez

random bundle from arrowhead studios. has games published by paradox, sony and warner bros

Only weeaboos and autists like Ratchet and Horizon Whatever Thefuck Subtitle

Can almost feel your cum breath seeping through the monitor, valve drones.

>Ratchet and Horizon
Is this the power of low IQ? Don't @me, amerisharts.

Zoomer thread.

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Angry local fat slob is crying because Sweeny got that 250m from Sony

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everyone knows xbox cares more about PC than snoy, so gaben is going to focus on xbox

tech illiterate kike

>>Microsoft + Valve

>Sony + Epic