Is Batman a leftie or a rightie?
Is Batman a leftie or a rightie?
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hes a cuck who lets criminals go because muh killing is bad
right wing leaning slightly libertarian
he's a psychopath
He uses the Grapnel Gun with his right hand, so the latter.
So you're telling me that Keaton Batman is a chad.
yes, very much so
I imagine he trained himself to be ambidextrous.
He is a crazy lunatic
>bruce wayne fucks up his signatures with his left hand for a year because batman wants to be ambidextrous
It's obvious that he's a rightie based on the fact that he belives in morality, law and has a good relationship with the Police. However because DC is in the hands of SJWs at any moment he can be rewritten to be an antifa thug trying to commit a coup so nothing about his character really matters.
Bruce Wayne donates much of his wealth to charities and social programs in Gotham, so leftie.
Charity is a christian concept so rightie.
Rightie would want the dumb poors to pull up their bootstraps and he'd hoard his wealth. So nah, leftie.
He's obviously ambidextrous.
>Charity is a christian concept
fucking retard idiot.
>has a good relationship with the Police
In multiple canons he's either completely at odds with the Gotham PD or there's only a handful of people in it he trusts and can work with. It's also a recurring theme that the GPD, like the rest of Gotham, is ridiculously corrupt and that handful are the only Good Cops out of hundreds.
You are dangerously stupid
Majority of people who donate to charities are Christian, user. Doesn't mean they invented the concept.
He would donate to help them pull up themselves by the bootstraps so rightie.
Comissioner Gordon is an angel.
right side
Obviously, user. It's pretty consistent that he has a good relationship with Gordon, but the rest of the GCPD is inconsistent as fuck.
Cool refutation.
He has an obsession with crime fighting. He isn't trying to bring justice or create a better world, he wants criminals to fight and catch because it satisfies his mental complex.
Batman is canonically a Democrat. So he’s a rightie.
If he was a leftist he’d stop being a billionaire.
reddit neocon
He's a radical centrist.
>If he was a leftist he’d stop being a billionaire.
Not even Oliver Queen does that and it once took him 5 minutes to call one of his fellow supers a Nazi because they disagreed on something
>boyfriend is joker
>let's criminals got away with everything