ITT: Perfect Games
ITT: Perfect Games
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Pic Unrelated?
even solo?
based retard contrarian fishing for (you)'s
XCOM 2 War of The Chosen
Why would snakes need breasts?
absolutely. magicka 2 dropped the ball though.
Looks like someones mad the series is dead, and overrated.
To seduce humans
Alien genetic engineering works in mysterious ways.
OP said game, not series or franchises.
Oh fine then here's another one on the house
pic unrelated
>no varied gameplay
>no memorable ost
>shit story
>generic rooms
>most puzzles are just copy/paste
Truly a masterpiece
>no varied gameplay
>no memorable ost
>most puzzles are just copy/paste
Got'em XD
First mega man game, first mega man X game.
Bad bait
Ultra modded Skyrim
Portal1 is the perfect working example of refining a very compact experience until its razor-sharp
The game was playtested out the ass and because of that every chamber ended up perfect
There's only one perfect game. Others have come close but none can top the true goat.
Unironically this
Muh nigga. I'm still waiting for the def edition.
My man
>Being the absolute wild card of the team and constantly using the blue screen spell
I've pissed off my friends to unimaginable levels thanks to this game. Good times.
>First mega man game
Being hardstuck in the Wily stage if you skipped the Magnet Beam kinda sucked tho
It's more a testament to how good the game is that the bait for it is so bad.
lol, git gud kiddo.
Only rebuttal that makes sense to me is that it might be too slow for you, and even then the whole point of the game is to take your time.
Pikmin 2
It's also zoomer proof, they can't stay focused long enough to get the puzzles, or string together advanced portal concepts.
For example: