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KF-WestLondon.. Home
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>fleshpound spawns
>kite him into church with group
>lose aggro and sneak out of church while group is still in their
>close and lock all doors
>I like the big ones, don't you?
How do you respond to that?
I've got a big one for you ;) A BIG WAD OF DOSH
why was kf1 so much more fun than kf2
Nobody ever held in the church though.
>weld church doors
>place c4 at the entrances
slower but more punishing
looks like london alright
man I fucking hate niggers muzzies and jews
KF2 is ugly and the guns arent fun
I unironically mained Firebug
I managed to get a few friends in doing so, mostly from people that played Support and Demo
Go figure
Developers didn't understand what made KF1 good, reminder that they didn't have the britbong voicelines originally, they only got added due to community demand for the old voices but not without the lead dev making comments about how KF2 is more serious and less silly and campy than KF1
Playing solo is nerve wracking
I can't do it alone at night with headphones, especially when the larger units start appearing and you're surrounded
All guns in that game feel like BB guns, they completely ruined the game
Level 6 firebug is broken and even has minimal scrake killing potential while still destroying entire waves of trash solo
Firebug in kf2 is such dogshit, I don't know what tripwire has against it
Making the currency actual “dosh” bothers me endlessly.
Sharpshooter chads report in!
Weapons in KF2 feel absolutely fine and have pretty animations. The game gets so much hate its baffling.
C4 is your best friend
No, they are not and do not and I have no idea why you people feel like you need to pretend otherwise.
Why does it look better than KF2?
You're objectively wrong.
it didn't take the story too seriously and [insult player] and also MONEY MONEY MONEY
I'm gonna be extremlist honest here.
Firebug can handle everything up to wave 7.
Burning down waves, double flare point blank gun down Scrakes. Gun down Husks while taking their shots like some sort of goal keeper.
Only when Fleshpounds apppear I lose my bravado.
Sharpshooters hated my guts, but everbody else loved me kek
Because KF2 was console trash.
Red Orchestra and Rising Storm are dead because of your le ebin waves of SP00KIE dumb ass AI and your cuck tier loot boxes.
or it was before trannies, orbiters, and reddit overflow scum took over the comfy Zig Forums community
they look good, sure
but the gun feel is objectively worse than the first game
>pipebomb spam last round
insta win
i didnt like that
>playing KF2
no, they're dead because there's games like hell let loose or whatever and that other game
>no recoil
>shoots sound like muffled firecrackers
>competently redundant wight cap
>RPG upgrade system
Ok Zoomzoom
No. Crossbows and sniper rifles where objectivity better in kf1. Also all those ugly laser weapons felt like firing off a nerf gun.
Soul vs soulless
>mfw you just join a game and nobody lends you any dosh
Sharpshooter main here. I loved firebugs, you guys handled the trash while we handled the big boys. Best team comp.
the guns feel so much more punchy and the wonky hitboxes mean there's a surprising learning curve/skill ceiling
>join game
>every one is Lvl 6
>no dosh sharing
>team gets completly wiped out at wave 4
Fuck lvl up maps.
For me it's Wyre Forest and Hospital Horrors
>you can keep upgrading your weapons now in KF2
what the fuck were they thinking? No one is willing to share any cash now.
Why are you talking about KF2 in the KF1 thread? By the way Killing Floor came out before Red Orchestra.
I liked the atmosphere in the UT mod more
I'm sorry sharpbro, but the moment I started using my flamer, almost every sharp started flaming me. So understand why I'm skeptical.
It's fine tho, the biggest assholes of KF1 are zerkers
Pure soul
>my face when I first found out that fleshpounders and scrakes will fight each other if you get them to hit each other
Should i buy it or pirate it?I mean worth 53?I remember playing pirated on v1063 2-3 years ago
>have gunslinger in the sequel
Man, why not just port the sounds from one game to the other, why re-record them sounding noticeably older and less campy.
Reminder that M14 Sharpshooter is the most fun build in the game
I did back then on the higher difficulties, I remember it being fun holding the side door during early waves
fuck I miss it so much bros
does anyone still play the game?
lots of sharpbros suck at aiming unfortunately. If they didn’t have crossbow by wave 3 or 4 they were trash.
This so much, thats why its bad all around
Because TW is a bunch of hacks that never made anything of value, all their worth games like KF are practically stolen IPs brought with pennies from actual devs.
No wonder even KF1 was starting to get shitty at the end of its development.
Its dead move on
What are the classes with the most spare dosh?
Firebug and zerker?
haven't played kf2 since they announced lootboxes, what a ripoff
Best skin coming through, outta my way
>berserker mains who only wanted to play on maps that were easy to kite on
Bigger fags than any firebug could ever hope to be.
>Make game based on a mod for another game
>Restrict custom content and modding for your game so people can't skirt around the cash shop and lootboxes.
Absolutely disgusting Jewry.
Post scriptcuck and cucks let loose weren't a threat to RS2 or possibly RO3, it was Tripwire who neglected them in favor of the developing more stuff for whales in KF2, then antigoyimatter was sold off to another dev to make '83 and people flocked to the only other realism WWII games.
>last major RS2 update was some toy war dlc a year ago
They even removed the option to insult players with voicelines because it's too toxic