ITT designs where the remake version is worse

ITT designs where the remake version is worse

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I'll never forgive Konami for doing this. Thankfully the original is the one that got ported to Steam and not the newer one.

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>game gets better
>PC gets inferior version instead

Konami can't do anything right.

But the remake is objectively better

you start

You lot can't be serious. I know Zig Forums has shit taste but this is too much.

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>early 2000s generic anime style is better than mid 2010s generic anime style
fuck off
reminds me of the zoomers bitching about the YU-NO remake

Remake looks hotter

Holy shit. I thought soul vs soulless was a meme.

I wasn't a fan of the remake's design at first either, but bunny May has grown on me quite a bit. The short shorts really sell the design.

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hope she becomes a mommy in the 2nd remake

story of season friends of mineral town
they turned ann from a tomboy into another girly girl and got rid of her overalls.

>early 2000s generic anime style is better than mid 2010s generic anime style

Not that Sugimori's art is generic, the only reason you might call it that is that he put out such huge quantities of the stuff and Pokemon was so ubiquitous. The quality of the art starting to drop in Gen 5 when he allowed other artists to start designing more characters isn't a coincidence. Gen 1-4 are all different but all great.

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Sugimori's style in the early Pokemon art is pretty distinctive in the anime scene, you'll find nothing like how he draws faces outside of direct copycats of Pokemon.
It's like if you took Dragon Quest and made it a trendier modern style. Like yeah, Toriyama stuff is technically generic 90s anime, but as the trendsetter his style still has a close attachment to the brand.

remake may grew on me

Long thighs are long

Kill yourselves

Nigga hates drawing Venusaur so fuck him.

>>early 2000s generic anime style is better than mid 2010s generic anime style
Unironically, yes. Now fuck off retard.

It's not about soul you retard, it's about artstyle. The top isn't blowing minds but it is clearly following some sort of vision for the game, the bottom looks like shit would see on a banner ad for a mobile game, slapped on there to give it a more generic, supposedly wider appeal.

>some sort of vision for the game
great definition of soul user

>The quality of the art starting to drop in Gen 5
nigga the gen 5 protagonists might have the strongest designs out of all of them after Red and Green

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>what kind of artstyle you want for your remake?
>i’ve been playing this generic japanese mobage lately
>say no more

>gets rid of guys hat
>gives him a fucking hairclip

every time

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Hilbert is the last time the series Male MC was good.

The actual definition of soul is simple: A disregard for sales. It's when devs do something because they want to, not because it will sell
>A weird, unique art style
>A challenging superboss that will only be seen by the 0.1% most dedicated players, but truly showcases the full potential of the game's systems
>rehiring the original crew for a remake 20 years later
>not remaking the battle frontier because 99% of players are kids that wont even finish the 10 hour story mode before they get bored and play more fortnite on their phone

It has a cool looking male MC and a female MC you want to fuck really badly so yeah, it was good. Wouldn't say they're the strongest though.

>gave the characters a skimpy generic anime design
>Censer light rays foreshadowed in the New Little Kings boxart.

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>dem calves
holy jeeze what's her routine?

New Pokemon is so fucking soulless. I miss the original episodes's simple animation.

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Why is May so cute?

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>washed out colors
>shitty proportions
>kankles, torso is fucked, face is fucked
>proportions are fixed
>colors are nice
>overall more pleasant to look at
Ken Sugimori drew both so quit bitching

>hime cut turns into lucina
fuck this

this is a crime

The boy looks bland and the girl looks like total shit

also forgot to mention that right has a better more readable silhouette. not that any of you retarded mouth breathing retards would even know why a strong silhouette matters.

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name one JC that isn't

>bad animation
>good animation

i will say that whatever the fuck kukui does with his arms near the end looks stupid as shit but beyond that, come on man

>washed out colors
>inherently bad
you have no taste
>nu-May's proportions are better
>torso is fucked, face is fucked
I genuinely can't follow your thought process

Normally I prefer OLs and JKs to JCs. May is the exception for me, rather than the rule.

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Game sold terrible thats what nintenkiddies did for not supporting the original game


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