Old Disney games used have such soul. From this game, to Donald Duck's Maui Mallard, Hercules (everyone played the SHIT out of the PS demo), A Bug's Life and of course, Aladdin and Lion King which were not only bright and colourful, but demanding and challenging as well.
What happened? Disney clearly used to understand that gamers, especially children enjoyed their products and didn't mind giving rights to newbie devs.
Old Disney games used have such soul. From this game, to Donald Duck's Maui Mallard...
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Because Bob Iger sees mobileshit as the future.
Yes, but did they back then?
This company could easily pay and publish a AAA tier disneyverse game the same way the Arkham series is now considered definitive DC batman games, or Spiderman games for Marvel
Instead you have the devs of Giants: Citizens Kabuto making fucking Tangled: The Video Game which was recently ported to Steam and both looks like garbage and is garbage.
Disney only loses on this shit.
Fun fact, Donald duck was censored away from MM due Disney fearing a character would die by his hands (didn't happen) and enrage Americans. Which is why only the European and eastern release calls Donald by his name.
>tfw boomers are invading
Kys you fucking faggot. Hell even zoomers had some some Disney games like epic mickey and shit.
Zig Forums hates videogames older than gen 4 confirmed.
Pure soul
Maui Mallard was full of it, as well as Aladdin and Lion King. They're the trio of my childhood alongside Terranigma and TNMT lost in time.
Fuck Mario, his shit was never memorable until n64!
Have this youtube.com
I had this game when I first got my SNES. It has become a tradition among my cousins and I at family gatherings to try and beat it.
That's pretty sweet.
But fuck that game's difficulty, i got filtered hard by it. I think as far as i got was that part where you drive on a map or something.
In case you played Terranigma, have this amazing piece of rework made by some guy last year
And if you didn't, emulate that game right now.
Song sounds like ‘girls’ by the Beastie Boys at some points. Always makes me laugh
Have to check that out. Set up the game room in my new place and got a 32” tube TV for retro consoles.
How does emulating on a TV work anyway? I only use PC and even then emulated games get kinda too stretched and ugly, thus making windowed smaller resolution better
ActRaiser... now that was a game.
Still have my snes from back in the day. Prefer having the cartridges. Also modded my snes classic for more games.
yeah man the pinocchio game was amazing, had so many different themes and fun gameplay that even my mom used to play it with me.
All the PS1 Disney games were suprisingly good
>What happened?
apparently Disney decided that video games were not giving them a good enough return on investment.
they pulled the plug on Disney Infinity even though it was very profitable at the time.
They still work? Was in Japan half a decade ago and was surprised to see SNES game being sold in Akibahara. I mean, they costed like a coke, but i didn't think cartridges could live that long
man i loved this one, it was one of the first 'open world' games and mind blowing for it's time
Dude I rewatched the movie with my girlfriend and we couldn’t believe how amazing it looked for something made in the 40s. The SNES game still holds up graphically.
Did they even have many? I just remember bugs life and that mickey mouse game going over the eras (again)
NES, SNES, N64. Still have my cartridges from my childhood.
tarzan was really really good
This, this is the sound of soul.
How could you forget this?
This was the first game I won
What? really?
You mean old capcom games.
>The game stars Donald Duck in a metafictional role as duck detective Maui Mallard, who adopts the name "Cold Shadow" when he dresses up in ninja garb. For the North American versions of the game, all Donald Duck references are omitted for unknown reasons and the main character is only known as Maui Mallard. Though the end of the game informed the player to look forward to Maui's next adventure, there have been no other appearances of Maui Mallard or Cold Shadow in any medium.
Granted, there wasn't much references by dialogue anyway. Still stupid though.
Capcom, Disney, Konami, all the non "major" players used to have a lot of soul in their games.
But Point Blank still fills me with rage due how controls just couldn't compete.
I have the comfiest of memories with this game, Mickey mouse world of illusions.
i remember me and my cousin used to play it in my house before going to kindergarten and it was amazing.
You play as either mickey or donald and each one has some unique levels, it was really good.
Consider that most of them were developed by golden age Capcom, of course they were going to end being great games. As soon as that ended their quality plumpeted and arguably the only decent game they releases by themselves since then was Epic Mickey, which could have been way better if they had based it on the original concept art.
I don't recall the graphics. Is it where the first boss is some wizard-alchemist in a basement?
Off the top of my head
>Bugs Life
>Toy Story 2
>Toy Story Racer
>Buzz Lightyear of star command
>Atlantis The Lost Empire
This thread is giving me comfy Wizchan vibes man
I wish video games were as comfy as they used to be, not flashy as they are today.
Sure they were hard but still really enjoyable, and the simple yet impressive graphics are super charming.
What happened anyway? Capcom had a deal with a god, and God had a deal with competent devs who made popular merchandise games. So why did this seemingly win-win union break?
Bugs Life had no right to be that good for a movie-based collectathon, the music in that game was also gorgeous. There was also Donald's Quack Attack if I recall correctly, that game was mad fun.
I playes N64 Tarzan and 100% back then, really fun game.
Kingdom Hearts
I much prefer the SNES music of this game. Also, it's almost hard to believe the Mega Drive one is the original version. Even with the limitations of the sound chip, it sounds so freaking bad in comparison.
>People say this level is one of the hardest from a SNES game
>Never had any trouble with it and did them perfectly even as a retarded kiddo
>But always ended up GAME OVER'd on following levels
I still never seen the ending.
i have never played any Kingdom Hearts, should i try them now or are they dated?
I'm going to throw a pebble at the dark and say it was because Disney created their own gaming developing studio so they didn't need that partnership anymore. It worked fine for a few years as you can see in this thread, but Disney being Disney always shoots itself in the foot when they think they're doing good.
oh my god how did i even forget about this lmao
these monkeys were my favorite part about the game and i remember spending a long time just having them throw me around
I think i got Quack Attack from a cereal box. Maybe it was a demo, but i didn't have a PC then so i never got to play it.
have this nostalgia wave
What is the series anyway? A Disney meets Enix marriage in the form of a JRPG?