Huh, so that's what lumbago does to you
Huh, so that's what lumbago does to you
Jonathan Gutierrez
Joseph Allen
>we could have this but rockstar is too greedy
Zachary Hall
That would be fun as shit, imagine the gang trying to survive in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?
Connor Morris
>zombies again
>not a fantasy setting so we can have King Arthur
Ian Carter
Mods are so fucking stupid, how do pc gamers enjoy this garbage
Angel Martinez
It should be vampires instead of zombies this time. Isn't there an origin for vampires crawling from their graves?
Luke Lopez
Imagine all the freaks in Butcher's Creek turning into vampires and surrounding your shit... UFOs everywhere.
William Sullivan
I wish they ported this to PC.
Kayden Bell
RDR2 is on sale on Steam. How's the online? Do people drop money like in GTA Online?
Tyler Roberts
Online is terrible and yes.