Gets arrested and abandoned by his parents and seen as a delinquent by his peers

>Gets arrested and abandoned by his parents and seen as a delinquent by his peers
>Still has to go back to them
>Has full conversations with his cat
Joker is suffering

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Jesus what the fuck happened. Is this some Ilya shit?

That's how the P5 cast summons their Personas

>Joker is suffering
Bros... let's not tell him

Attached: Tatsuya_portrait.png (512x677, 242.65K)

It's how summoning in P5 works. You rip off your mask (half of your face) off to summon your Persona.

Attached: Persona summonings.jpg (1473x1190, 443.02K)

that's just the first time, they seem fine afterward

Why the fuck would they be afraid in P3, it's not even a real gun?

Yukari was afraid at first desu.

Attached: Katsuya -Life is Suffering- Suou.png (1788x444, 79.74K)

It's not real but you have to be willing to kill yourself in order to use a persona. Accepting your own death allows you to use a persona

still a bit jarring to put a sci fi gun at your head and pull the trigger

Yukari was scared at start.
Even mc needs to breath in before doing it for the first time.
It might not be a real gun, but it blows your shit out regardless.

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I'm playing P3P on my phone right now and I apologize to all personafags for calling you gay retard babies, your games are pretty fun desu

You gotta remember that persona is all about mental perception, in P5 you're figuratively ripping off your face to release your true self and in P3 you're showing that you're willing to "kill" the self to release the self. It's the mind behind the action, not the action itself.

MC didn't even know what an evoker was, he just took Yukari's gun and yeeted himself in the head

>Makoto is suicidal fag
>Yu is ???
>>he is not killing himself
>>he is not ripping his face off
>>he is just crushing a card
Well, I guess he truly is a CHAD among THE Persona protagonists.

>stuck on a dead lifeless empty planet for the rest of his life while his waifu and all his friends are in another reality, most of them even forgetting that he exists.
Why did they do this

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There are other persona games ykno

And he's the CHAD amongst them ALL

Read uninteresting character

In terms of shitty lives
We have no idea where Piercy is so we can't assume anything.
Tatsuya gets fucked hardest no contest.
Never played EP so no comment on This Side Maya.
Door was
>turned into an eternal protector of Earth.
But you have to remember that he's functionally dead so he technically can't experience any further suffering. That and he died fulfilled, having lived to his fullest, surrounded by family, friends and his 3+ girlfriends.
On the other hand, Joker had a way easier childhood and general school life but consider
>He's permanently a wanted criminal even after putting Shido under arrest
>Has snipers aimed at him from anywhere in the country
>Had essentially obtained and fulfilled his and his friends' perfect world but had to destroy it himself because he knew it was wrong
Yu starter normal if lonely, and ends up 200% better than what he started with. He gets the easiest life as a chad with his army of dicksuckers.
TL;DR Tatsuya still gets the crust. Door has already suffered more than Joker has but his suffering is already over outside of having his soul get banged by a two faced dog but he probably can't feel it anyway. Joker has less overall suffering but further potential for getting fucked over (assuming Atlus doesn't just give him the perfect "lol your criminal record isn't gone and everyone forgot your crimes" ending in the inevitable P5U). Yu is Golden.
Tatsuya >>>>>>> P3MC > Joker >>>>> Yu

No there are not.
t. Atlus

MC was trying to kill himself but he just happened to have a Persona

>Gets to fuck his hot teacher
I dunno seems like he has it pretty good.

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>Persona is the mask used to faced life's hardships. In P3 you shoot yourself because you face the fear of death, in P5 the mask comes off and becomes the rebellious spirit to take on society

What should P4 have been? Something like a TV appearing Teddie style and the Persona walking out?

So, who did get fucked over the most?

I can't understate how much Tatsuya got fucked over, like Philemon is supposed to be a good guy but he practically orchestrated Tatsuya's fate. Like at least P3MC became a door of his own volition, it was his own sacrifice, Tatsuya was basically used as a pawn.

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It's fine as-is
Since the Personas are born from Shadows, crushing the card is symbolic of assimilating something you once held as external to yourself.

I want to hold Morgana's paws
while lying in bed

Get a cat user

Did they fix the ending or does Joker still abandon all his friends and the new life he's created?


Lies. Nothing exists below 3.

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They just did poses before, it's not even worth mentioning

Why Yu in the list ?

>the guy that gets everything handed to him just by existing
>on suffering list
If by suffering you mean him being too perfect then I guess he is the one that is suffering from it the most.

Yu only ever suffers in original anime because instead of being Mr. Perfect like in the game, he has huge abandonment issues and him being people pleaser (helping everyone) is because he is desperate to keep people, and have them remember him. Which is why the ending in anime can be called bitter-sweet for him since in the end he ends up leaving his friends, despite his fears.
The game Yu doesn't suffer for shit.

They changed it so now he convinces them to abandon all their hopes and dreams in exchange for the real world. And then abandons them.