Play this prostitute's game

Play this prostitute's game.

Attached: Lucy.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

fuck off with your shit thread you human waste

I'll wait for the nude mods

fuck off stop shilling reddit tail

Looks like garbage
Not even good for coomers

>Turn based RPG
>Isn't a fighter
>Isn't a Musou like Pirate Warriors
It had one fucking job, copy the greats. Turn-based suits Dragon Age, but it DOES NOT suit Fairy Tail at all. Should've been a Musou-like.

Meant to say Dragon Quest, fuck if I know the correct name, I didn't play either.


>prostitutes game
I prefer Azur Lane

Attached: EZFkLEKVAAA4DAh.jpg (679x336, 66.76K)

Attached: 2020.07.31-13.27.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Lucy was made for _____

Kill yourself faggot

>Le reddit game. I only play cool games like dorf fortress


After this Virgo brings her clothes, but in the battle the dragon keeps using this magic just on Lucy.

Attached: dragon of culture.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

It's amazing how terrible those animations look.

Built for minotaur cock.

Basically this , but change "nude" for "lewd".

I just don't understand what you retards want. It's not AAA game, it has fuckton of characters and fuckton of animations, they had to pay for license and returning VAs. This isn't Scam Citizen. Nor AAA Andromeda for your "perfect animations".

wow this looks like shit

The series' content literally lends itself to being an RPG you mental invalid.

It's not an action adventure game like Zelda which goes well with who gives a fuck about story musou gameplay. RPG makes sense, musou would've just been cash grab shit like the other games you mention are.

>Musou like Pirate Warriors
Shouldn't you try to prove your argument by posting example of good Musou games?

Yes, what's your point?

No panty shots, no buy.

What's wrong with prostitution?


Has she ever successfully seduced someone intentionally?

>still shilling this sorry excuse of a game after it was proven to be garbage

Based Drago

You can thank Snoy for that.

It creates an unhealthy image to little girls.

Attached: 2020.07.30-12.22.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

Panty shots wouldn't save this game