>the entire world and lore of harry potter
>still not a single good RPG based on it
why is that
The entire world and lore of harry potter
Other urls found in this thread:
Just play Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets on pc/ps2 and shut the fuck up
Man for all the hate it gets on Zig Forums the first 4 books really are top-tier YA fiction.
Everything past that sucks though
Harry Potter fans are retards 99.9% of the time
Me being the .01
Much easier to abuse the IP power for fujobux
already did fuck face give us a good game already
>not an RPG
>not a good game
Now YOU shut the fuck, you absolute nostalgia-blinded troglodyte
Reminder that Dumbledore is gay, Hermione is black, Malfoy is a transman, and Ginny is a pre-op transwoman who pozzes Harry's boihole every night.
>Wizards n shit
Grow up lmao
>already did
>give us a good game already
What the hell more could you possibly want you whiny cunt?