I see reactions like they way too much

I see reactions like they way too much

So, exactly what burns through your söylent minds?

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Other urls found in this thread:


2020 is the year of the fur anyway.

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you could have both though
but I hope you're right about the fur part

The two most hyped games on Zig Forums this year are furry games.

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Uh, whats the point being made here even?
That people don’t like furshit? What do mechs, cripples, and jurassic park have to do with that?
Kys furry and yiff in hell.

if this is feminism, i like
gimme more

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How did you find your way here from somethingawful?

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You all belong to the same cesspool, your faggotry isnt any better than the rest.
Die furfag.

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