You now remember the Wii U era

-No third party games
-Long droughts
-Mediocre games like Color Splash
-Smash 4 being completely forgettable, only roster fags and tourney fags kept it alive
-Shitty gamepad

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Wii U sucks

I loved Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4. It's just that two of those three have been Super Annuated (I hope I spelled that right) hardcore, and as soon as the rumored Mario 3D World Deluxe happens, there will never be another reason to revisit that console. Any good game that that console had is now on the Switch. There is literally no reason to own a Wii U in 2020 if you have a Switch.

So the same era we're going through now?
>Smash 4 being completely forgettable, only roster fags and tourney fags kept it alive
Literally Ultimate as well.
Nintendo has been shit since 2009.


>The last Wario Land game and the last good Smash game

Nintendo legitimately had more integrity in that era. Now we're stuck with a soulless husk relying on old goodwill and a content dripfeed.

the gamepad was based

>only roster fags and tourney fags kept it alive
Those are the only kinds of people that play Smash anyway

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